Chapter 1

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My life was great...

I can eat whatever I want to eat without anyone telling me that I'm wasting money for nothing or that I'm gonna get fat...

I can drink my favorite coffee whenever I feel like it without anyone judging me for my wants.

I can show everyone how I love someone without anyone hating on me, without anyone hurting me.

Everything was fine, as in A-Okay!

Not until I need to do some favor for a friend...

To be his girlfriend... a fake one, just for publicity.

and after that, my life was fine,too. But not like the life that I've had before, partying was never a crime and talking to other boys is not an issue.

But being his girlfriend has its advantage... He's a great advisor and a great friend, you'll never get bored with him because he'll make you laugh until your stomach hurts from all the laughing. You'll never go hungry with him as he will buy the biggest pizza slice available and the largest 'diet' coke.

I'm proud to be his friend...

Louis is that one person you can lean on in times of trouble, that one person who will make your problems so easy when you think that it's hard .

Yes, he's Louis Tomlinson... my fake boyfriend. and I'm his fake girlfriend Eleanor, and I'm inlove with our friend, Zayn.

Wait, scratch that. I'm Zayn's real girlfriend.


Yes, I am indeed his girlfriend if only Zayn met me before Louis needed me to be his fake girlfriend, it'll all be easy as pie.


So as our closest friends... I'm in a fake relationship with Louis while Zayn's in a fake relationship with Perrie and we're the real deal here honey.

But hey, sometimes it's good to be confused. It will exercise your mind.

"Hey,you've been idling for like an hour hun" Alana asked me as I was talking to my voice inside my head...

"Oh,I'm just thinking of something" I said to her,winking. "Oh please tell me it's not about Zayn again" she whined.

Of course I'm thinking about him, we've been away from each other for like a week or three? I don't know. Going to college sucks. and him being in a boyband that goes on tour every now and then is unfair.

"Of course not, Have you forgotten that I need to study for my Sociology exam this week? so I need to get my mind off him before I go insane" I lied and she just raised her brows at me because she knows how much I love that guy.

There are so many barriers in our relationship,huh? But whatever falls on us we tried to clear it up, it's for both of us...

"Oh, and El? Your plane ticket was delivered here earlier I forgot to remind you that it's ony your nightstand. Louis made it deliver here so you'll notice it." she said before she got out of our room. I smiled at her before I reached for the envelop in my nightstand.

I'm going to see him again.

After the long wait, I'll be able to hug him and kiss him. But of course in private.

I read the letter that Louis wrote inside the envelop. Sighing, I need to go to their tour. Because of this Larry issue again and again. We're all tired of this. But we're just doing this because Louis' worried that it might ruin all of their career if this issue will not die.

I hope you'll consider going here. But I know you will. Zayn's here. aha! see you soon El. xx


I read the last part and I smile unconcsiously. Of course I'll go even though I don't want to. If only Zayn wasn't there, I will not consider going. What's the point of going when I will not be able to see the love of my life,right?

"Alana! I might take the sociology exam tomorrow, I'll leave Manchester after!" I shouted because she's outside with our friends, or the Divas as we call ourself that.

"Uhh!Okay,goodluck then. We're watching Ted like right now, wanna come join us? There's caramel popcorn!" she bribed me using caramel popcorn, they know how much I loved those things.

I smiled again before running to the living room and attacked Alana for a hug.


The most irritatiing thing that I always observe is when other students look at me when I'm walking down the hallway and they will murmur something about me being Louis' girlfriend. I'm not even a celebrity so they can quit going into my personal life.

"Miss Calder,you're late again" Prof. Murray said to me. This is it... My last subject before I fly to Cardiff to join them on their take me home tour.

Easy peasy exam...

I smirked at myself earning a glare from Professor Murray... I love essay-type exams!

I wrote all the things that I know in a piece of paper and explained it thoroughly. Just in luck, I've read the first chapter of the book because almost all of the questions were based there...

In just fifteen minutes I raised my paper for Murray to get it and I can finally get ready for my departure here in Manchester.

I ran my way outside the exam room and also in the hallways, I don't care if I look like a dufus, I better get ready. This is the day I've been waiting for,for weeks now. And finally, they day has arrived.

"Hey Max!" I greeted him while he was chatting with Leon outisde our joint flat. and... Well, I never heard him respond. But whatever..

I don't care about other things right now because my mind is so focused on me seeing Zayn and being able to hug him. my goal for the week.


I texted all five of them that I'm already in the plane so they'll pick me up... or Louis and Zayn. the flight stewardess handed me a bag full of necessity. I thanked her for the kind gesture, and after that I put the things in the comparment infront of me and closed my eyes...

Excited is not the right word for my feelings right now, heart beating so fast, unconcsious smiling, mind boggling and my hands are fidgeting. this is way over 'excited'

As soon as the captain announced that we're already to depart, I clapped my hands and other people were looking at me so I bowed down. Well sorry for getting so excited!

I closed my eyes again, and hopefully when I open my eyes, I'm already there in Cardiff.


"Ma'am, we're here to inform you that we're already here in Cardiff and your escorts are already waiting for you at the business class lounge" the flight stewardess said to me and someone helped me carry my handcarries.

Of course, one of their body guards will pick me up...

"Hi El, Louis' waiting for you in the car so let's go" he informed me and I just smiled at him. Damn my head hurts. I shouldn't have took a nap at the plane.

"Eleanor Jane!" Louis shouted while waving. Oh, I missed this guy so much! "Louis William!" I also shouted and people outside are like looking at us. I ran on my way there and immediately closed the car door.

"I have a mini surprise for you El" Louis sang and I tried finding it but there's no gift.

"1...2...2...2....3!" as Louis counted my eyes were covered with hands. It smells like Zayn's perfume.

"Oh my god!Zayn?!" I shrieked and he removed his hand and hugged me. Glad that the car is tinted.

"I missed you so much" he said while giving me lots of kisses. I deserve this one...


hi Zeleanor shippers,how's the story? I hope you like it. because I love it!


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