Chapter 34

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        I was being comforted by Liam outside Zayn's hotel room. I slept with Louis? How come I didn't know what happened? I'm bewildered and whammed. I'm in this kind of situation again. five months ago, I was in the same position, bawling while someone's hugging me, comforting me. Only now, it's Liam and not Harry and Louis.

        "Uhm.. I'm not really this kind of guy who is good at comforting a friend. So, I'll just wrap myself around you and stay like this?" he said. I kind of laughed at him while I was bursting into tears. I'm starting to think that I'm lunatic right now.

        "It's okay, Thanks for being here with me, you should be with Sophia right now, but you're here with me. Thank you Liam" I told him. "Oh shit, Sophia." he gasped, but I know he's joking. 

        "I'm not in this position to give you some advice or something, but I think you should go talk to Louis and then talk to Zayn. and Harry, he's being blamed for all of this mess." he suggested. "Why would they blame Harry? I mean Harry's done nothing but be a friend to them" I muttered.

        Harry's been a good friend to all of us. "I guess I'll talk to Harry first. I mean, he's like my bestfriend out of all of you guys" I sighed.

        "Can you tell me what really happened? Start from the very beginning so I'll know the lead, I'm confused as hell, too." Liam chuckles as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, You needed to know all of these anyway, but can we just go to somewhere private and not in a hallway?" I asked, both of us shared a smile while we walked towards Gemma and I's room.

        "It all started when Zayn got a tattoo of Perrie,and I was like what the hell is this? is this some kind of joke? of course, he told me that it was the management's idea and he doesn't have a say in this. I forgave him on that one. The next one is when we're at the This is Us Premier, I overheard them talking about this engagement thing, I was baffled, Zayn should've discussed this with me first. I mean, I'm the girlfriend here. Even though we're not going public, I still have the right to know what's going on with him. Of course, being this lenient person I really am, I forgave him again. And thought I should just focus on the fact that Zayn loves me and not her."

        "While we're in Australia, he broke up with me. You know that right? Because he didn't want to have two girls in his life. It felt like my world fell down. I was so good for like a month of trying to forget him, but I can't . He's too special and I really love him. And the day before christmas, I asked Louis to come to my London, my mum wasn't there. so I felt all alone, I would've texted Dani but she's on her way to Guyana that time, anyways, Louis went there, and I thought of having a dinner date with him since it's his birthday. But all of a sudden, Zayn came and Louis left me because apparently, he's doing the right thing. So Zayn dragged me to Bradford, and Louis drove back to Doncaster."

        "Doniya knew what Zayn and I had. But their mum didn't, so when we came inside their house, her mum was of course shocked that her son is holding Louis' girlfriend and I tried explaining it to his mum but she's just really mad at me. And then when Zayn defended me, Perrie and her family came. All of them were shocked, too. And Perrie denied the fact that it's all for publicity. Zayn wanted to go out of their house but I told him not to. So I walked out of that house and I waited for a bus to stop, and I don't know where to go, so since Louis' hometown is just near Zayn's, I decided to go there. I saw Louis walking down the block...Okay to make this short, I spent Christmas at Louis' house."

        "Then Christmas morning, Louis told me that we'll go Cheshire and Zayn will just meet us there. Blah blah blah. Zayn didn't came, he didn't even answered our texts... and then we went back to London, went to Notting Hill and came back to my house because my dog is there and I forgot to drop Pepper to Mrs.Mayers.... Then we all got drunk, because the three of us were just sad and we needed to drink. And then, I didn't really know what happened that time because I'm so drunk. But the next morning, I woke up with Louis by my side, I checked my phone and saw Zayn's text. I immediately ran outside and saw Zayn lying down the porch... and I let him in, he slept beside Harry who's sleeping on the couch. Then I woke Louis up because I thought I remembered what happened, I vaguely remembered that we had sex but he made me think that I'm just making up things and because I was drunk that night, I believed him."

        "I went down to check on Zayn, as I was looking at him, I remember what happened before that day, how his mum was to me. and I don't want to be the reason why they don't have a good relationship. I decided to shut him off my life. I even remember Louis joking me about how I look into Zayn... and then he went back to sleep, while Harry was at the kitchen counter... I made an excuse that I will drop Pepper off to my nan's, which is true. and after I dropped Pepper off, I went back to Manchester and stayed there since. I tried avoiding all of you, I even tried avoiding my friends in the flat, I focused more on my studies just to get all this Zayn-Perrie thing out of my head."

        "Then after five months, Gemma dragged me to London and then she told me that Louis was like inlove with me because she overheard Harry and Lou talking at the balcony... I decided to talk to Louis, but then I realized that I have to talk to Zayn first, which I did and we're okay now... and then... yeah, you know what happened earlier" I explained.

        "Okay, I feel like my brain is not processing anymore, but I'm glad that I can keep up with didn't know what happened that night?" Liam asked.

        "Yes, If I knew that it happened, I'll tell Zayn as soon as I can. I don't know what to do. I love him Liam, and I just got him back, now, he doesn't want to look at me... I thought we're going to be okay now, but I guess we'll never be okay" I gulped,trying to hold back the tears.

        "Give him a little more time, I'll try to explain this to him, but first we have to talk to Harry, I felt like shit for blaming him on this one, and I gotta have a little talk with Louis, he's been a pain in the ass lately, he even smoked weeds..." words slipped through Liam's and It was for sure unintended. His face tells it all.

        "He smoked weeds?you mean like marijuana?" I asked, I can't believe that Louis will do that. Liam covered his face with his hands, cussing and telling that he's so stupid for telling me that. "Liam, just tell me what you know, there will be no harm" I said to him.

        "Okay, while we're in Peru, Zayn and Louis smoked weeds, we're still in trouble because Louis taped Zayn while smoking, and they were like total dipshits, and the video was leaked a month later. Some countries are planning on banning us. El, please don't tell Louis and Zayn that I told you this. I'm such a tattle tale!" Liam groans. I just smiled at him, and told him that I'm okay with it but to be honest, I'm not. I'm so disappointed and I can't believe that they will do such things.

        "Let's just go and talk to Louis and Harry"

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