Chapter 43

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        "Oh,honey,you're here. When did you get home?" mum asks as she scooped a mash potato at her plate, typical breakfast that we have. "Last night, you weren''t here. Dad said you went out with Charlotte." I mumbled, trying not to have a conversation with her.

        "Ahhh, yes, we went to Leeds last night and partied for a bit with Charlotte's friends" she danced around dad. Gross. "Charlotte's older friends?" I scoffed, mum stopped dancing and she turned into a serious one. "No, she has real friends, Eleanor." she bellowed her eyes were fixed at me. I just continued eating.

        My dad tried to lighten up the atmosphere around by asking me about the low budget movie. "So how was it darling?"

        "Well, it was going well. we're going on an acting-something camp next month... I'll be free for a whole month dad. I'm so excited" I proudly said to him, I head mum letting out heavy sighs, I know it's all for me. "Not all low budget movies get successful darling" she scoffs. ouch that hurts.that stung.

        "It will be successful mum, I don't need your opinion on this one. I will do it whether you like it or not, I'm an adult... I can decide whatever I want. All I want you to do is be proud of me. Just this one mum. I don't want your negativity around me. All these years...All my life mum,you've been nothing but be negative to me. What did I ever do to you? What have I done to deserve this crap mum?" I snapped, throwing the napkin at the table. Aidan looked at me with pity.

        "Because everything that you do is all wrong,sweetie. Why don't you try what Charlotte did? Look at her now... She's successful!" she reasoned out. Again, with Charlotte. and I am just so glad she's not here right now.

        "Charlotte's a pain in the ass! She married a man older than dad! Tell me what's successful on that one mum?! She's a marketing executive because Martin owns the company! What did Char ever did to deserve all of this support you're giving her mum?! She's a bitch! did you know that?! She's nothing but a big fucking bitch!" I sassed, causing mum to slap me really hard.

        Dad's trying to hold my mum back. Fuck, my cheek hurts. and I didn't even realized that there are tears rolling down my cheek. Aidan went on my back,trying to hold me back as well. "I am done mother. so done! I'll get out of this hell hole as soon as possible. Don't expect me to go back in here. Because I will never go back. You're a terrible mother, not just to me but to Aidan! you're a terrible wife to dad. You were never here for us. I can live on my own now. I will pay everything back." I snapped at her... Leaving them all silent. I stomped my way upstairs and ran to my room. packed everything as fast as I can. Leaving all the things that my mum gave to me.

        "Sweetie,can I come inside?" dad says. I just opened the door and went back to packing, I wiped away some of my tears. "I just want to make sure that you really want to do what you are doing right now" he said while patting my shoulders.

        "Y--yeah dad. Harry says that I can live with them as long as I need to. You can visit me there, but don't you dare bring mum and Char there. I beg you" I replied then I hugged my dad.

        "Can I ask you something dad?"

        "Sure sweetie... What is it?"

        "What made you stay with mum for like 30 years?" I asked. He stopped patting my shoulders and it seems like he was out of his mind, he smiled unconsciously. "Because I love her. and I know she's doing this for me because she loves me too. and I always let her win whenever we fight, because I like it when she smiles after." he said to me.

        "Good luck dad" I mumbled. and get back to packing. one more box before I can even finish. Dad's helping me put out all my things and put in on my car. I feel sorry for him for still sticking up with mum.

        "Oh, you're really going huh? Goodluck with your life Eleanor! Don't come crawling back to us!" mum screamed. Aidan lazily stood up again trying to hold back mum this time. I will not answer my mum this time. or should I call her Joan from now on?

        "I'm going, please, I don't want to argue with you anymore" I said, while pulling the last trolly. I'm so done with her and I'm glad that I'm doing this.. I've had all these years to do this, but never have I had a courage to do that.

        While we're still in college, Harry and I, we stayed in our own houses, because the campus is just in Cheshire.

        Even though Styles' residence is just a few houses away... I will still bring my car. This was my dad's sweet 16th birthday gift to me, it's not that expensive but I will always treasure this. "Bye dad" I cooed before closing the door.

        There's so much drama in my life, can I just skip all these sob parts and go to the happy ending? If there's any? Ugh. Why am I so miserable? Why can't I be happy? Why can't someone love me...the way dad loved mum even though she's a real dirtbag. Sorry for the word. But she's a real d-bag.

        Harry was waiting for me at their lawn, seeing him makes me hold on to the little hope that I have in life, he's the only one who truly believed in me. I immediately hugged him when I went down, I've been wanting someone to comfort me like this.

        "Come on, let's get you something to eat" he mumbles and he dragged me inside, Anne was there cooking something good and that's for sure. She smiles at me with sympathy which I returned back.

        Harry treats me like I'm his girlfriend, if this family haven't known me for a long time, for sure they will assume that I'm dating their Harry... Their family is really wealthy. but one of the most humble and kindest family that I've known, unlike mine. 

        "Hey Marc. How's the masteral thing going on?" I tried to converse with Marcel who's reading a book. "I'm so close on giving up El, I seriously hate it. I don't know why I'm still doing it" he groaned. I just laughed at him before Harry dragged me again inside his room this time, getting me all settled.

        "Thank you for doing this to me Harry, I don't know what to do without you" I plea he just gave his best smile and helped me unpack. Why do I have so many clothes? I don't even wear half of it. What am I thinking of bringing all of these ? It will just take up so much space. Ugh, can I go back there and throw it back? or I can just throw it on the rubbish bin?

        "You're doing it again" he pointed out. "What is it?I'm just looking at the view outside" I reasoned out...

        "No, you're idling. I hate that"

        "I'm not! Oh,H... Ben just texted me that he hired a vocal coach, if you know him... his name is Savan Kotecha?" I read Ben's text. "Uhh.No? I don't know him?" he gritted his teeth.

        "Ugh! of course you don't. Anyways, they will send the casts after they finalize it. Hopefully they will finish it by the end of the week. So I can interview the casts, uhh. Something that I can do during my spare time" I uttered.

        Why am I feeling down when I should be jumping in happiness?

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