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Have you ever lied in darkness knowing you're about to wake up but trying to fight it anyways? Well that's what I'm currently doing right now. The thought of just drifting away from the problems of the world is so appealing right at this moment, until a distant sob quakes through the void.

Some people think death is inevitable, that death can never be evaded but right now in this moment the heartbreaking sound makes me hesitate. Just for a moment. A second stretches onto minutes. The sole focus is now on the new sence brought alive by the bereaved cry echoing through the darkness.

I try to speak. I try to ask the owner of this voice what made them so terribly broken. I try to reach out and comfort them, telling them they are not alone for everyone who has ever been or will be will feel the same pain at one point. But my attempts are futile. The ear splitting, soul crushing agony just becomes louder and louder until I can hardly even hear my own thoughts humming in my head.

Legs crippling and head banging from the impact of the torturous sound I find myself feeling the onslaught of pain that caused the owner to feel this way. Loss of a loved one, not being able to see them ever again.

No longer being able to stand the excruciating pain I find myself adding to the wailing.

Will this torture ever end?

I remember this is the least thought I had before everything went quiet and a buzz fills the air. then a burst of light, so white and pure calls to me from the depths of the darkness. I follow, wholeheartedly I follow this glimpse of a hope of a promise of something better. In truth I follow with the whole in my heart to see Cayden, if only once more because now I truly know I love him. Within all the pain and torment I only wished Cayden to be safe and happy no matter who he chooses in them end.

I only wish for his happiness and I know now that I will not give up on him, on us.

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