Chapter 6 It's fine by me

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Miu was on Deidara's bed snuggling into the pillow in her normal clothes and miserable from being sick. Sasori entered the room and sat on the bed next to her.

"Miu take this, It'll slow down the pain." Sasori said handing Miu a small vile of blue liquid.

"No." Miu said sadly.

"Miu you need to take it." Sasori said in his calm emotionless voice.

"Don't wanna."

Sasori sighed then got an idea.

"Would you like some ice cream?"

Miu's face suddenly got a bit happy and she turned on her right side to smile and nodd to Sasori. Sasori left and got some vanilla ice cream and mixed the blue liquid in so it turned blue. Sasori added some blueberries to fool Miu and then he went back and gave the bowl to her.

Miu happily took the bowl and ate it without realizing what it really was. It tasted like ice cream all the same. When Miu was done she handed the bowl back to Sasori then went into a coughing fit. Sasori rubbed her back up and down till she stopped then he handed her her glass of water.

Miu often coughed and sometimes blood came up. Her temperature was high to the extreme and she often breathed heavilly.


"Hm?" Sasori replied without caring about the name Miu called him by.

"Does Dei-Kun hate me?"

".....I'm not sure, he just complians a lot."

"Is Miu a bad person?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

Miu looked at the ceiling while laying on her back.



Eventually Deidara came back with the lapis lazuli and Sasori put it in a pot of boiling water to get rid of any germs, then he scrapped a few shards off to put in the antidote he was making. 

"Well I'll let you do whatever it is you need to here un, I'm going to check on Miu." Deidara said leaving when Sasori stopped him.

"You can't, she doesn't want to see you."

"What do you mean she doesn't want to see me?"

"I tried giving her the plushi you gave her but she through it out the window and said it reminds her of the person she never wanted to see again."


"So that room is off limits, also the plushi is on the coffee table....It's a bit messed up though." Sasori said pointing to the plushi with his pinchers he used to take the rock out and the plushi was wripped and losing its stuffing.

"What do you mean that room is off limits?! It's MY room un!"

"Fine, don't listen. Find out the hard way."

"I will!" Deidara said without thinking and went to his bedroom.

He entered the room and Miu was facing away from him laying on the bed.

"Hey Miu-Chan, how you feeling un?"

Miu sat up and looked at Deidara with a soft glare.

"Miu-Chan doesn't want to see Deidara!" Miu yelled and Deidara was surprised she said his name instead of Dei-Kun.

Deidara's shocked look turned into a glare and he walked in the room more.

"It's MY room un! And I was only being nice!"

"Go away from Miu-Chan!"

"You can't do that cause like I said it's MY room un!"

Miu struggled to stand then she wobbled sickly to the door and Deidara watched as she left. Deidara didn't care how much she stumbled until she fell and began coughing up blood. Deidara picked her up and brought her back in the room and placed her on the bed. Miu kept trying to leave but Deidara hugged around her torso to make her stay.

"You need to lie down un!"


"What do you mean no? Your sick and that's what sick people do."

"Don't wanna! Not when killer is here!" Miu yelled and Deidara remembered what he said to her.

Miu started crying and trying to get out of Deidara's arms and Deidara noticed her eyes were red and puffy as if she was crying while he was gone to get the lapis lazuli. Something sparked in Deidara's eyes and he pulled Miu on his lap and rested his head on her shoulder with his eyes closed and hugging her tightly yet gently.

"I'm sorry un."

Miu suddenly froze and began listening.

"Miu I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

Miu's face sofened and she smiled after a moment.

"Pinky promise Dei-Kun?"

Deidara smiled and held out his pinky and showed her the other hand to.

"No crossies, cross my heart and hope to die un." Deidara finished and Miu let out a small giggle as they shook pinkys. "You know un....It's fine by me, if you never leave." 

Miu smiled big and gave Deidara a tight hug around the neck and he hugged back. Sasori came into the room with the antidote and Miu took it happily without complaining.....Though she did complain afterwards about it tasting so icky.


Ok KJStarLace, I updated so no stabbing ur self with sporks! lol If I had a spork I'd concqer all! Anyways hope u liked it and I wuv da song! :D Also the pic is lapis lazuli

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