Chapter 14 A Day of Sorrow...

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Miu was bored as almost always. Deidara and Sasori went on a mission to capture one of the tailed beasts. Miu wasn't too sure what that was but she figured it was a mean big ugly monster with a ton of sharp teeth and fangs. If not then probably a cute animal. Miu was just sitting on the couch waiting for Deidara to get home.

Konan was too busy to play with her and Hidan and Kisame were too busy to perv on her. Sasori wasn't there to teach her more of how to use her new puppet that she made with him and Deidara wasn't there to well...Deidara and Miu didn't really do much together. Miu just felt close to him.

Every time Deidara went somewhere in the base, Miu would follow like a lost puppy. When he went to the bathroom or to take a shower Miu would wait outside the door, when he was experimenting with his clay explosives Miu would watch, when he went to make food Miu would watch, help, or make her own.

She admired Deidara and looked up to him. She always felt something special and strong for Deidara. She thought she may even love him, but she was too young in angel years to understand. The human part of her however yearned for Deidara's heart to be hers. She had never received it though... She was still unsure of weather Deidara despised her, thought she was just a pain, or liked her in a friendly way.

It was a confusing relation but Miu enjoyed it and hoped Deidara did to. Miu saw the swirly orange masked man come into the room and she stood up, so bored she couldn't take it anymore. Her heart was screaming for her to do something!

"Pumpkin-Saaaan~ play with me~" Miu said happily.

She was getting better and better at not speaking in third person.

"Ok, what does Miu-Chan want to do?"

"Uuuuuummmm...Play puppets?"

"Ok! Tobi will go get some from Sasori-Sempai's room."

"Ok~!" Miu said happily.

She was glad to finally have SOMEONE to do SOMETHING with. She almost felt like her boredom would have killed her sooner or later. Miu and Tobi spent quite a bit of time playing with puppets until Zetsu came along and said they had to go check on Sasori and Deidara. Leaving poor Miu all alone again.

She kept playing with and practicing with the puppet strings making the puppets move and talk. It was one heck of a show! At least to Miu it was. When the door opened Miu looked over to see Deidara with gritted teeth, torn cloak with dried blood, and he was armless. Zetsu and Tobi were next to him and made him sit on the couch.

Miu looked at Deidara in horror but he was too distracted to notice her. Soon Kakuzu came in and started to fix up Deidara's arms. Miu was speechless from the sight but Tobi came over to calm her down. He took Miu into Deidara's room and they played with the puppets more; though Miu played half heatedly knowing her favorite person in the whole wide world was probably in pain.

Deidara was having a REALLY bad day...his arms were taken off and he had to flee a battle! He hadn't lost a single fight other than the one he had with Itachi that forced him to join. His confidence was draining slowly and he had found out Sasori had past. Sasori he looked up to and respected deeply. It was fun to piss him off and fight about art every now and then.

Sasori was like a stuck up moody big brother to Deidara, and he was gone..On top of that he found out Tobi was to be his knew partner and he had to make sure he followed all the rules and everything. This meant he couldn't slack off anymore and had to be the 'by the book' guy. Which definitely did NOT fit into his standards.

After Kakuzu finished putting his arms back and Konan helped him with his blood loss Deidara stood up and went to his room for a nap. He had earned one. His eyes turned angry at the sight of Miu and Tobi playing with puppets in his room. Why was this so bad?

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