Chapter 8 Let's Eat!

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Miu followed Deidara into a strange room that had a giant table with different foods on it. The table was set nicely and had just enough chairs for everybody. Deidara took off his Akatsuki cloak and put it on the back of his chair before sitting down; he pulled one of the chairs up close to him and made Miu sit down.

Miu sat next to him and Hidan took a seat next to her after doing the same thing Deidara did with his cloak.

"Hey Miu maybe we could just skip all this and go straight to desert." Hidan said winking at Miu.

Miu feeling uncomfortable, scooted closer to Deidara and gave Hidan a worried look while holding Deidara's arm. Deidara noticed this then looked at Hidan.

"Hey Hidan....."

"What the fuck do you want Deidara?"

"I still haven't forgotten about you making Miu cry un."

Hidan gulped then scooted away closer to Kakuzu. Soon everyone gathered in the room and placed their cloaks on the back of there chairs. Once Pein sat down everyone got quiet.

"Headbands." Pein ordered and everyone took off their headbands before setting it above their plates. "You may begin." 

Everyone started passing things around and filling their plates and Deidara filled both his and Miu's. Miu waited patiently and looked around the table. Hidan was praying before he started filling his plate and Kakuzu took off his mask before doing the same.

Pein sat at one end and Konan sat at the other to make sure everyone stays in check. Kisame and Itachi ate quietly while Zetsu was eating rather loudly. Sasori was mixing some toxins with his food so his puppet body could turn it into energy. There was a strange boy that looked down to hide his face while he ate though he didn't have a cloak at the back of his chair.

Deidara set Miu's plate in front of her and poured them both a glass of water before he began eating. Miu starred at her food for a second wondering what it was. It was white and mushy looking, then there was weird green things that looked kinda like grass but thicker. The last thing she already knew was chicken but the other two were strange to her.

Miu picked up her fork and poked at the stange mushy stuff which was smushy.

"What are you doing un?"

"Mushy." Miu said eyeing the strange stuff and Deidara chuckled a bit.

"It's mashed potatoes it's supposed to be mushy un."

"Po....tatoes?" Miu asked and Deidara nodded before taking her fork.

He scooped up some of the potatoes then held it up to Miu's face.

"Here try it un."

Miu hesitated then tried it. It was mushier in her mouth but it was also buttery and salty. Miu smiled then took her fork back so she could eat more. Deidara smiled seeing how happy Miu was then he turned his attention back to his own plate. Miu ate the chicken and mashed potatoes then drank all her water.

"Aren't you going to eat your green beans un?" Deidara asked when he noticed Miu stop eating.

"No, icky looking."

"It's better then it looks, trust me."

"No, yucky color! Green means mold when on Miu-Chans food!"

"Come on just give it a try un."

Miu crossed her arms and pouted like a child.


Deidara sighed annoyed now and picked up Miu's fork again. He stabbed the green beans and held it up to Miu's face.

"Just one bite, you might like it un." Deidara said and Miu turned her face before covering her mouth. "Fine don't eat it the-

"Miu is a young growing angel Deidara, she needs to eat all her vegetables." Konan said cutting Deidara off.

"Young? She's my age un."

"Yes but in angel years she's still extremely young, almost like a child."

"Yep! Miu-Chan can live to be two hundred!" Miu yelled happily with an open mouth smile.

Deidara took that chance to shove the green beans her mouth. Miu swallowed but didn't like the taste since it was too plane.

"Yucky! Mean Dei-Kun!"

"Come on just eat it un."

Miu was mad that Deidara made her eat the disgusting green stuff so she grabbed the giant bowl of it and dumped it on his head. She stuck her tongue out at him and closed her eyes as everyone laughed.

"Miu....." Deidara trailed off angrily. "Eat the damn food!"

Deidara pinned Miu to the floor and tried force feeding her but she kept struggling and moving her head side to side.

"No! Bad Dei-Kun! Mean Dei-Kun!" Miu shouted and Konan walked over.

She pulled Deidara and Miu to their feet then picked up their chairs. She placed Deidara's cloak back on the back of his chair and then grabbed Miu's plate. She put salt on it then got a fork full before holding it up to Miu's face.

"Eat, or no more TV." Konan ordered and Miu hesitated before eating it.

Everyone was silent and watched as Miu chewed. She made a face and spat it out as Konan ducked. It hit Deidara in the face and Konan put more salt on it before tying again. This time Miu liked it and ate the rest of her green beans before walking away to watch TV.

Deidara on the other hand grabbed his cloak and left to take a shower.....a long one.


XD ok peepz there it is! Da new chappy! :D Hope u enjoyed it!

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