Chapter 15 Man Up Brat!

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Night was fast approaching and Sasori was running out of time. Deidara can be really knocked out when he wants to be. He was on his bed snoring softly and cuddling his pillow. Sasori was trying his best to wake him up but nothing seemed to be working.

He first tried making his bed shake to wake him up but Deidara only smiled in his sleep and let out a creepy perverted chuckle before saying 'Yeah, right there hm.' making Sasori stop instantly and wrinkle his nose in disgust.

Next he tried pulling the blanket off him but he only curled up a bit into a ball. Sasori's next idea was DUN DUN DUUUUUN~!!! THE PILLOW!!! He took the pillow away harshly but Deidara only switched his position so he was laying on his stomach. Sasori sighed before deciding to do something a bit sinister. Scare the crap out of him.

He looked over at his none harmed puppet in the fire place and smirked. He concentrated his puppet strings and made the puppet walk out of the fire. Thing was on fire..Sasori made the lights flicker and the whole room shake forcing Deidara to wake up, but he didn't.

Out of frustration Sasori took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs.


Deidara shot up on his bed so he was in a push up position. He looked over at the flaming puppet and screamed switching his position so he was in a crab position moving back on his bed until he fell off. He popped his head up to look over his bed at the puppet and the flame suddenly went out.

The puppet jumped up on the bed and walked over so it was looking at Deidara.

"S-Sasori??" Deidara asked a bit scared

"Yeah it's me brat, what was your first clue?"


"Listen, Miu is in danger. She left the base."

"And? Why is it my responsibility to look after her. She's a pest like Tobi un."

"Miu is an angel-

"Half angel un."

".....Whatever. Tonight there is no moon. Miu is somewhere deep in the woods. If you don't get to her soon a really bad demon will get to her. She may just die." Sasori said feeling slightly angry.

"So what un? I can just go out and find a real full angel. Besides it's not like it's my fa-

"It is your fault! Man up brat! She's in trouble because you threw a little hissy fit and yelled at her. She looks up to you and may even love you but your too much of a fucking idiot to know that!" Sasori yelled lighting the puppet's head on fire causing Deidara to slightly panic. "Now go find her! Or I'll kill you and beat your soul senseless!"

Deidara again began feeling guilty. This was all his fault. If he hadn't yelled at Miu and pushed her to saying 'I hate you' she would never have left the base in the first place. Deidara nodded and grabbed his cloak and clay pouches before putting on his shoes and leaving. He made a clay bird and quickly began his search for the angel girl.

Miu stopped after a breeze of wind hit her making her feel cold from the rain that drenched her. She then noticed how dark it was and how there would soon be no light. She began to panic slightly trying to remember which way she came from. She had been walking like a zombie for hours and didn't know what to do.

Once she remembered there was no moon tonight she really began to panic. So much she started running in a ranom direction to try and find light. She NEEDED light! Thunder and lightning struck in all directions making Miu flee into a tall dark cave. It was safe from thunder and hopefully demons.

What Miu didn't realize was she had woken up a very evil demon known as a dracolich. An undead dragon. It was all bones accept for the wings that looked torn and looked like bat wings, the eyes however were like giant glowing fireballs that stared right into the soul. When the beast awoke the fire for it's eyes lit up and it let out a low growl that made a gentle breeze go past Miu.

The poor angel girl was nearly frozen completely with fear. She slowly turned around and her eyes widened at the beast ready to feast upon her. She was so scared tears rolled down her cheeks and she was as still as a statue. The dracolich stood up to it's full size which was almost as tall as the cave and growled at Miu again causing her to scream this time.

Lucky for her Deidara heard it from the echo of the cave. He quickly rushed the bird towards the scream and landed just in time to see the dracolich about to take a bite out of the frightened Miu.


Deidara ran as fast as he could towards Miu and the dracolich's teeth were just in touching distance. Poor Miu was absolutely frozen with fear and couldn't find the courage to run no matter how much her mind screamed at her to.


The dracolich's mouth had hit the ground hard, but not just the ground..Miu snapped out of her fear when Deidara came in contact with her. Her eyes widened at the sight of his bloody shoulder. The undead dragon had grazed it with his large teeth. 

"D-Dei-Kun..Y-Your hurt.."

Deidara flinched from the pain but did his best to ignore it and fight for his and Miu's lives.

"I'm ok un, are you hurt?"


"There's no time, I'm getting you out of here."

Children's laughter filled the cave and red eyes glowed all around. The other demons had woken up making shivers run down the two's backs. Deidara didn't have a chance against all of them. Not while he was carrying Miu. He quickly ran out of the cave at top speed while the demons chased them. They weren't the type to avoid humans like other demons and monsters. They were the type to kill and eat ANYTHING that moved.

Deidara jumped on his bird and flew them away. He had to get far, as far as possible. But the dracolich could still fly along with a few other monsters and demons. Deidara threw a few bombs there way until the small ones were gone. All that remained was the undead dragon. It was close and before Deidara had the chance to get another explosive ready, it shot a fire ball.

It hit the bird hard and the two began falling fast. The creature zoomed in for the kill and the large fire ball caused Deidara to black out. Not Miu though. She could still somehow do something. Her heart screamed for help so she could save Deidara. She didn't even care if she died as long as he lived. Pain shot through her back and she suddenly had her own set of glorious bright wings.

She was amazed by it but shrugged it off to save Deidara. Admiration would have to wait. She caught him but wasn't strong enough so they still fell but not as hard. They landed in the forest where no clearing was for the giant dracolich. It had no choice but to search fo another meal.


I know I said it be up yesterday or the day before but my aunt Leora needed the charger to do homework and the laptop was dead. Also my bro got home from work so I couldn't use his computer. But hey it's up though right?

Pic to the side is the dracolich and also.

kiry1012 U PROMISED COOKIEZ! and MiruSim tanks chu for da pie dat was pie flavor XD

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