Chapter 11 Miu is scared...

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Miu smiled looking at her new room. It was painted purple and had a hot pink carpet. Miu's favorite part of her new room was that it had the big dango family painted on the walls to. She had a queen sized bed with comfy blankets and feather pillows. Besides that she had a small vanity and a closet.

It didn't look like much but Miu had never smiled more brightly. She gave Deidara the biggest hug she could.

"Mi-...I loves it!"

Deidara smiled and hugged her back lightly. He didn't know why but there was something about Miu he really liked. The girls he met before didn't carry her innocence and would often flirt with him, and when they weren't flirting they were probably stubborn bitches with mean tempers.

Then again, Miu was not yet grown in her angel years. She was about six but nineteen in human years. There was a chance she could grow to be like the girls Deidara knew. She was already stubborn and she didn't seem like a flirt. That meant Miu may become some bitch with a bad temper.

Deidara found it fun to tease and play with those kinds of girls but the thought of it being Miu who acts that way made his heart sink.

"Glad you like it hm. I also got you this for when you can't sleep at night." Deidara said giving Miu a small music box.

When she opened the box it played the dango song and had a tiny dango spinning around in circles on the inside. It made Miu smile more and she nodded her head to the song and sang a little.

"Dango dango dango dango dango." Miu sang and ended it with a giggle

Deidara smiled more seeing how happy Miu was. He was going to say something when....


'Shit...' Deidara thought sweat dropping.

The paint he got from Konan along with the vanity she said Miu could have. Pein decided Miu should have a comfy bed since she was a delicate angel and the closet was obviously already there. Thing is....he stole Tobi's pink carpet....

Tobi ran into Miu's room anime crying.

"Why does Miu-Chan have all of Tobi's pink carpet?!"

"Shut up un. Pink is a girls color anyway."

Miu was too busy playing with Mr. Meow mou and singing the dango song on her new bed to notice Deidara and Tobi were fighting over a pink carpet. They kept going on and on until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Miu shouted happily and Sasori entered the room.

"What's with all the noise? I can't hear myself think!" Sasori said angrily.

"Hi Pinocchio-San!"

Sasori calmed down and smiled at Miu, even he had grown to like her and her innocence.

"Hi Miu, do you like your new room?"


"That's good, I'm glad. Now what are you two idiots fighting about?" Sasori asked Tobi and Deidara going back to his emotionless expression.

"Tobi wants his carpet back!"

"I told you it's Miu's now! Hm!"

Sasori pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe they would fight over something so stupid.

"Tobi you've been needing to get a different carpet anyway, your a villain and villains don't have pink! Miu is still new here so no complaining. She needs to feels comfortable got it?"

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