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I woke up, blond hair blocking my view. I sighed and blew it away from my face as i turned in bed. wait a minute... blond?

I shot out of bed but immediately tripped. What the hell was up with beeing so high! I stood back up, noticing my hands were more bony and much bigger than before. I ran towards a full size mirror before looking at myself. I was tall, slim and... I was a guy?

I leaned closer, admiring piercing green eyes and short blond hair. I slowly brang one hand to the mirror, moving it back and forth.

This was real. I slapped myself just in case. yeah it was real.

I cracked my fingers before blusing. I was only wearing shorts. I looked at my bare torso, amazed. I was ripped! i contracted my abs and almost sqealed, what the hell? I touched my arms, abs,calfs.. Hard, everything was hard. My face turned beet red. That's when i first felt... it

I took as step forward, this felt so weird. I sighed as i tried to ignore this presence in my pants. I looked around and opened a door that apperently led to the bathroom. I looked at myself a second time in the mirror. I was hot. Very hot. I flushed again, looking away and taking my pants off. I looked up and entered the shower. I closed my eyes during the whole time. It was so weird and.. kind of akward.

I ran out, dried myself and put a uniforme on as fast as i could.

As i buttoned the top of my shirt i sighed. This horrible expirience was finally over...

I looked around, looking for pictures, or anyting that could possibly tell me who the hell i was.


This room was absolutly empty, all the walls were white, execpt one that was... a rock climbing wall?

I looked around and noticed the room's features for the first time. This room was dope as fuck. It was like a mini olympique stadium, with Tv and remote controls. I looked at my clock to see i didin't have time to waste on admiering this place and rushed out. As i ran down the stairs i noticed a stoic woman waited for me down stairs.

"Goodmorning." i said politly, not nowing who this woman was.

"Goodmorning mister Agreste, your limo is waiting for you outside."

Agreste! limo!

Oh my fucking god. I was Adrien Agreste, son of Gabril Agreste. I couldn't believe this! this was great! I was living the Agreste life!

I smiled and hopped into the limo. It was all dark and fancy. I couldn't move, intimidated by all this money. The driver brought me to my school. It was huge and moderne. I think this was one of the top ranked schools in the country.

I tried going in but i was tackled by this blond flash.

"Hey Adrikins!" This weird barby said.

Crossed mindsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora