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After reading Adrien's little note i got ready and went to school. I was happy for this Adrien guy to find someone he liked, from what i had seen, he was a pretty lonely with not that many firends. But Lila looked like a nice person. Maybe i could ask her out today.

As i walked up to my loccer i saw her. She was looking through hers too. Her long brown hair, waving down her back. I silently crept behind her and saw she had a picture of me in it. I chuckled. If only she knew half the time she was flirting with a girl who knew exactly what she was doing.

I rested my elbow on the loccer and leaned towards her.

" Hey. " I whispered huskily into her ear.

She blushed hard and looked at me surprisedly.

"Um... h-h-hey Adrien!" she stuttered.

We walked to class together. It was very fun, pretending to be a guy and making a girl fall for me was weardly intertaning. I sat next to her in class. It took me all my self controle not to laugh as i saw her tug her shit down to show more cleavage. She was good.

We both walked towards the icecream parlor that sat next to school. I was having a great time. Even if i saw Lila as a pure friend, i liked messing with her a little. Smiling lovingly, gazing, touching her hair and her cheek.

Seeing her blush was so amusing i couldn't help it. But know was time for some serious work. I was going to show a clean sign i was "intrested", something so obvious she couldn't possibly miss it.

"Hey do you have a boyfriend?"

She blushed, of course.

"Um.. no.. no idon't." She said.

"That's good." I said in a smile.

She blushed again.


"yeah.. i want you to be only mine." I said as i leaned in closer to her, i was about to kiss her when i realised this wasn't my body. I couldn't just kiss anyone like that. I simply looked at Lila straight in the eyes.

"o-ok." She stutered.

I hugged her, tightly pushing her into my chest.

"Thank you for being my girlfriend." I said in her ear.

I loosed the hug and walked away after kissing her forehead. That was fun! I walked back home and jumped over my bead.

I quickly wrote a note on the news and smiled as i imagined his face when he would wake up.

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