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I woke up in my room again.

I was starting to like this daily body switching.

I got up, noticing a small note left on the bedtable.

You have a date with lila tomorow.

Said the note.

The hell?

I didn't remember asking anyone out. Oh wait, Marinette was in my body yesterday. She must have been doing good things. I thought this note was agreat idea, at least i could track what she was doing with my life...

I went through my daily routine and walked to school.

As i entered, i noticed people didn't look at me like the usual. I actually got smiles today! Marinette must be a very sociable pesrson.

"Adrien!" I sighed as i expected a blond bitch to jump all over me, but nothing happened. Instead a beautifull brunette waited for me.

"Hey Lila!" I guessed.

"You actually remembered my name!" she said as she smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, confused.

"I don't now, maybe yesterday was a dream." She said.

"What?" I wasn't really following her.

"Well you were so nice yesterday, i thought guys like you had gone extinct." she joked.

I laughed. She seemed like a nice person.

"So, where are we heading to today?" I asked in a smile.

"I don't know, i was thinking... the park or something...? we could go get ice ceam."

And with that we were both off to the park. We talked and talked. About ourselfs and our lifes. I think i had never been this happy. Lila was a very nice person.

After the park i walked back to my house with a smile for the first time. I was so happy i had finally found a person i actually liked. As i alked back to my room i wote all of my daily doings on a piece of paper for Marinette to be able to know what i had done durig the day incase we switched bodies again. I looked at my phone.


i smiled. It was Lila, I think i am beginning to fall for her.

Crossed mindsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant