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"Care for a hot shower?" She said in a smile.

I nodded shily.

"You can speak you know." She said as she chuckled.

"Sorry, I said, it just feels weird to take my clothes of in front of a girl."

She blushed before grinning and playfull elbowing me.

"Don't worry, i've already seen you naked anyways. I mean, i am you half the time you know." She said jokingly.

I blushed furiously before taking a step back and crossing my arms.

"Oh yeah?! well i've seen you naked too you know!" I said back.

She blushed and hugged her chest with her arms shouting a loud " HEY!". i looked away pouting as the red of my cheeks persisted.

"It's not true, i didn't look.." I admitted

She looked down at her feet and talked as well.

"Me neither."

There was a small silence before she started going down the trap door.

"Well, i'll be down stairs in the kitchen!" She said as she smiled one last time.

I smiled back. I took my shirt off after i made sure she was down stairs.

I blushed as i entered the shower. It still had the fresh smell of her shampoo. I took a warm yet refreshing shower.

As i got out i notice a t-shirt and some black trousers, neetly folded on the bed. i chuckled, she must have put them there...

I dressed up before walking down the stairs.

I was pulled to the kitchen by a strong smell of hot chocolate. I walked in, i saw Marinette. she apparently hadn't noticed me as she continued pouring hot chocolate into two even mugs.

I walked towards her as quietly as possible before wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"thanks for everything." I whispered.

"What do you mean everything." i heard a masculin voice say behind me.

I jacked my hands off Marinette and raised them above my head in a sence of defeat. I turned around slowly, only to see a strong built man with familiar green eyes.

Marinette's dad....

"who are you? what are you doing here? why are you hugging Marinette? And what is this 'thank you for everything'? What everything? What did you do to my daughter?" questions started pouring out of his mouth. It made my head spin.

I blushed as i relized what he was emplying. i looked back at his large structure, his muscles contracted and his face was boiling with anger.

"Dad, Adrien is only a friend. he got caught in the rain and was soacked so i brought him here. He only took a warm shower not to get a cold, and so did i. stop asuming weird things everytime a boy steps foot in this house." She said, not even turning around to face us.

His expression seemed to soften, much to my relief, and he just smiled and welcomed me.

"Well, my name is Tom. Nice too meet you Adrien. I'm sorry for all the rucus, i guess i still need to work on my overprotective side." He said as he gave me a warm smile and stretched his big hand out to me. We exchanged a handshake.

Crossed mindsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя