At the hospital

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Noah's POV:

I drove to the hospital trying as hard as I could not to speed. We had no time to waste getting a ticket. Hot sticky tears slide down my face. I looked back and all of us were crying.

Why Lilia? Why our youngest sibling and only sister? I could tell Carter was deeply hurt. He was the closest to Lilia. In the picture it looked like they had whipped her legs raw with a belt, broken both her arms, and broken her head open. If I ever meet the people that did this to my baby sister I would rip them to pieces. 

When we arrived no one had to be told to hurry. We all jumped out and ran to the entrance. 

"We are the siblings of Lilia Pinewood. We saw her on the news." I said running up to the front desk. The lady looked at them.

"Oh, your her siblings. Do you have an ID or driver license to prove that you are Miss. Pinewoods siblings." We all pulled out our IDs. She didn't even look at them. "Right this way."

We all followed the doctor. I'm sure there is no way she could have walked slower. Finally we got to a waiting room. 

"Ya'll will have to wait here for a bit. We'll come get you as soon as possible." The nurse said. We sat down but once the nurse was gone Carter started pacing. He was biting his nails and crying. 

"Carter, pacing won't help." I said walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"But sitting won't help either." Carter said looking me in the eye. He had a point. I turned around and sat down leaving him pacing by himself. I've never seen Carter so devastated. 

I couldn't blame him. Our little sister had been attacked. She could be dead or in a coma for all we know. We were all close to one sibling. Me and Anthony were close, Samuel and Peter were close, and of coarse Carter and Lilia were close. 

Finally at 5:00, after about an hour of waiting a nurse walked in. We all jumped to her feet.

"The family of Lilia Pinewood may now come in." The nurse said. We all ran over to the room. 

Carter was the first over. He gently pushed the door open and we all walk in. 


Lilia's POV: 

When I woke up all the pain came back. My head felt numb and my legs burned horrible. My arms stung. They were warped up in something. My stomach hurt when I breathed. I was in a weird outfit and I could seem to move or think.

"She's awake. Send them in." I heard someone say. The voice wasn't familiar. 

The next thing I knew was that all 5 of my brothers were in the room and by my side. 

I must have looked horrible. They all started baling. I tried to lift my arm to comfort Carter, the closest to me, but he pushed it down. 

"Relax. Save your strength." Carter said rubbing my cast.

"Sorry." I croaked. My voice sounded horrid. 

"No, Lily. Don't apologize. This wasn't you fault, you didn't ask for this." Noah said. 

"But I feel so horrible having to put you trough all of this."I cried in my hoarse voice.

"Don't cry. Look we'll be fine. You just focus on getting better." Carter said resting his hand on my arm above the cast. 

"What happened? The news said that you had been attacked by a group of men. Is this true?" Noah asked sitting down. 

I tried to sit up but Carter pushed me back down. He then grabbed the little remote that controlled the bed and handed it to me. It pushed the up button until I was almost upright. 

"I was in the park sitting in against my favorite tree reading my book then these men came. The surrounded me. I tried to grab my phone but one man grabbed my arm and broke it then went and did it to my other arm. Then they pulled down my skirt and one man whipped me with his belt, another kicked my sides and jumped on me stomach, another held my mouth shut, one held my legs." I said. All my brother were seated. 

Carter seemed to sense that it was getting hard for me to tell the story so he scooted closer and squeezed her hand lightly. Luckily it was the right.

"Then I heard a siren and the men made there last marks. My shoulder was dislocated, ankle broken, my hands stomped on, and my head broken open." I said. I was holding my tears in.

Carter seemed tense. They all seemed tense. That only made it worse I started crying. I hurt so badly in my stomach. 

"I'm so so sorry Lilia." Peter said. "If I ever get my hands on them they are going to be so sorry they ever touched my sister."

My stomach burned and my head throbed. I hate how every movement I make kills me. 

Finally I passed out. Probably from my stomach. I really needed to get a hold of myself. 


Noah's POV:

Lilia passed out and I take full blame for it. I am pretty sure me stressed her out. A few minutes after Lilia passed out a nurse walked in.

She had to put a cream on Lilia's legs. We all got a good look at them. They were pale with dark red stripes on them. They looked horrible. There must have been hundreds of them. Then the nurse pulled the badges off of Lilia's hand. The skin beneath was bloody and skinned. I had to look away. It barely looked like a hand. 

"Sorry boys but she has to come with me for an X-ray. Can her father come with me please?" The nurse asked. 

"She doesn't have a father." I said stepping forward. "But am a her eldest brother who has taken over the job over her father."

The nurse nodded and had me her lift her into a wheel chair. Her eyes immediately snapped open and she screamed. Carter ran over as I picked her back up. 

Lilia let out a moan and a small sorry. Carter stroked the side of her face and she fell asleep again. 

"Well how are me going to get her to the X-ray if she won't go in the wheel chair?" The nurse asked.

"I could carry her." I said. She seemed comfortable in my arms. The nurse nodded and we walked down the hallway. Lilia didn't weigh a thing. She was so little and small. When we got to the room Lilia's eyes opened. 

"Where are we?" Lilia asked. Her voice was hoarse. Every time I heard her speak my heart hurt. 

"Shh, okay. We're going to get you an x-ray on your stomach." I tole her. She nodded and shivered. I pulled her closer to my chest for warmth. 

Once the machine was ready I gently laid her on the bed. She immediately started shivering and it only got worse when the exposed her stomach. I wanted to lay against er to warm her up but i knew it would have to wait. 

She was laying on the table almost ready to begin when she extended her right hand. I grabbed on and squeezed it. Then the machine moved and she was moved into the x- ray thing. There were beeps. Poor Lilia was shaking so badly. It took about 12 minutes then she was ejected.

Lilia put her gown back over her and then I lifted her back up. She was still shivering badly. I carried her back to the room and laid down in her bed and she laid on me for warmth. She was asleep in minutes on my chest. 

The results of the x-ray would come in in a few hours. I just prayed that everything was fine and that we would have normal little Lilia back. 

Well is it better? I sure hope you enjoy this because it took me a long time to write. 

I also have other things like flute, church, and school. 

Also thank you for sticking with me this far. I really hope you enjoy. 

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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