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Carter's POV:

Finally it was time to leave the hospital. Lilia had been recovering well. She still wasn't allowed to walk and had to go trough some kind of therapy to help restrengthen her legs or something. She looked so worn out all the time. 

I sat down next to her while we waited for Noah. She was silent and pale but when was she not.

"Excited to go home?" I asked. Lilia just nodded. "Ready to see the rest of the boys again?"

She looked up and smiled. Again, she didn't say a word. Why was she being so quiet.

"Everything okay?"I asked. 

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just really tired." Lilia said giving a smile.

"Your not fooling anyone. What hurts?" I asked. Lilia finally broke her fake smile and gave a small groan.

"The stitches." Lilia said placing a hand on her abdomen. 

I didn't really blame her. They even looked painful. She even told me the other night that it sometimes hurt to breath. She always seemed to be in some kind of pain. Sometimes it was her legs, sometimes her head, but normally her arms and abdomen. 

"We are free to go!" Noah said when he returned. Lilia nodded and looked down.

Noah gave me a "is she okay" look. I shook my head and tapped my stomach. Both of us had started speaking in code recently. Lilia hated it when we always asked her what was wrong and basically babied her so Noah and I made a code language for everything we would possible have to say about Lily around Lily. 

Noah took the wheel chair and gently pushed her down the hallway. She was very tired and kept yawning. Lilia had been having a pretty rough week. She was attached by 6 men, put in the hospital, and had her appendix removed. 

Once we got to the car, which Peter and Sammy had dropped off, Noah gently pulled Lily out of the wheelchair and into the seat. I then collapsed the chair and put it in the trunk as Noah fasten her in. I climbed into the seat next to her. She was pale and tired. 

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded and then rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Everything good back there?" Noah asked. 

"Yeah, I think Lilia will be out soon." I said and I was right. A few seconds later Lilia was asleep and snoring on my shoulder. Would Lilia ever be back to normal?


Lilia's POV:

Once I was in the car I was so tired my head practically fell onto Carter's shoulder. Luckily, Carter didn't mind. I was asleep in a matter of minutes.

When I woke up I was on my bed. The sheets felt clean and soft. Anthony was probably bored. He always cleans when he's bored. Next to me my oil diffuser was running making my whole room smell like Lavender, my favorite smell. 

I tried to get out of bed but fell. I had completely forgotten that I'm not allowed to walk yet. I was stuck and couldn't move my head started throbbing and my legs felt like burning Jello. The stitches in my stomach ached like crazy! 

I tried to call for help but just managed a weak moan. Then I heard the door open and Carter jumped in. 

"Everything alright?" Carter asked coming to my side.

"I'm okay." I lied. "I just fell out of bed." 

Carter nodded and lifted me up carefully. He placed his hand on my stitches and I had to force back a cry. I hated making them feel like they had done something wrong every time they touched me which is why I fought back every cry I could. He placed me back in bed.

I hated being like this! I was too weak to even stand. I started crying. Carter sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. 

"Listen, I know you feel like a burden to us but your not. You never  have been and you never will be. Even if I would have to carry you everywhere you still would never be a burden to me." Carter said. Then he hugged me and I cried into his shoulder. 

Soon my sobs stopped. His words always seemed to be just what I needed. When we separated he picked me up and placed me into my wheelchair. 

When we got to the kitchen, which took a while since they had to go downstairs, Carter pushed me to the table. Noah was in the kitchen when I arrived. The air smelled of eggs. 

"Hey Lilia, I think it might be easier if we move you to the guest room while you can't walk." Noah asked not even looking back. I nodded and Carter passed on the word.

"Either of you want eggs?" Noah asked. 

"Yes!" Carter and I yelled in perfect unison. Noah burst out laughing and then went back to cooking. 

A few minutes later I had a plate of cheesy eggs in front of me. I practically inhaled them. I love scrambled eggs! I asked Noah for seconds and a minute later both plate were part of the past.

There really is nothing in the world that is better than family.

Hey! So, how was it? I really like where this is going and if you don't then I am terrible sorry. 

Thanks you so much for reading. Sorry this update took a bit but my life is like crazy. 

I hope you guys like the theme I'm trying to give out with this book. Comment if you know it and my answer will be given in the next chapter!

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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