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Lilia's POV:

When we got back to the room I was colder than ice. Noah realized and had me lay on him for warmth. Carter helped warm my feet. I love my brothers!

When I woke up I was in a different room. I was on bed with surgeons and doctors around me. One nice lady explained what was happening.

"We got your x-rays and we have to remove your appendix. Your brothers left to go home but will be back when you wake up." The nurse said then handed me some pills. I swallowed them and immediately felt dizzy in minutes everything was black.

When I woke up I was in another weird room. At least this time I could tell Carter was there. Carter jumped when I touched him but apologized when he realized it was just me. I looked around the room. 

"Don't be so weird." I said to Carter. I felt really weird. It was like I was half awake and half asleep.

"What did I do?" Carter asked as I looked around. Only Carter and Noah were there, weird.

"You jumped when I touched you. Will you do it again?" I touched his arm and was disappointed when he didn't jump. He realized my disappointment and then jumped. 

"That was faked. Just like how I faked that I loved that sock." I said. My moth was running. I really didn't fully understand what I was saying. 

"What sock?" Carter asked.

"She under the anesthesia." Noah said pulling out his phone. I put my arms up blocking the camera. 

"Privacy!" I yelled. Noah and Carter burst out laughing and for some reason I joined in.

"How do you feel Lilia?" Carter asked me.

"I a princess poop." I said. Noah and Carter cracked up.

"What's a princess poop?" Noah asked still laughing.

"It's where people seem to treat you like a princess but you feel like a piece of poop." I said. They both started laughing. "You okay? Do you need an asylum?" 

That only made them laugh harder. I finally gave up and laughed with them. I love my brothers! 


Samuel's POV:

We all fell asleep shortly after Lilia but were woken up only 4 hours later by 4 nurses with a wheeled bed. 

"We have to take Lilia now. We got the x-rays and if we don't remove her appendix in the next hour it will burst." The nurse said. Noah sat up straight and quickly helped one of the nurses lift her on the bed. 

2 of the nurse quickly rushed her away. The other two stayed with us.

"Only 2 of you will be able to accompany her once the surgery is finished. Which 2?" The one nurse asked. We all looked at each other.

"I'll stay!" Carter said. We all nodded. He was Lilia's favorite! 

Well since Carter was staying someone else, one of the older boys had to stay. It had to be me, Noah, or Peter. I was probably the last choice since both Peter and Noah were older. I was only 17! 

"I'll stay." Noah volunteered. The nurse nodded and then Carter and Noah were gone. We just stood there for a second the started cleaning up our stuff. We didn't bring that much. Just a few sets of clothes and a little bit of food. 

Then Peter grabbed the keys and we all headed to the car. It was the most silent ride home. When the car was parked we all hoped out and headed straight for our rooms. You could tell we were all sleep deprived. 

I decided to pull out my phone and text my girlfriend, Marina. I hadn't texted her in a while. I told her what happened to Lilia but that was really it. 

Me: Hey Mari! What's up? I'm home!

Marina: Cool! I just doing homework. How Lily?

Me: Idk. She's in surgery right now. Me, Anthony, and Peter had to go home. 

Marina: Oh no! What happened?

Me: Well, when they kicked stomach it messed up her appendix so they are doing an emergency removal.

Marina: Oh! Poor baby! Want me to come over?

Me: Sorry babe, not today. We're all a bit sleep deprived so we need to sleep. Tomorrow maybe? 

Marina: Coarse! I be available most of tomorrow. Sleep well!

Me: Night! TTYL! 

I turned of my phone. Marina never responded to TTYL so I used it to end conversations. She was so sweet and concerned about Lilia. We all were. I plugged my phone in and went to bed. Hopefully we would hear from Noah by then. 


I woke up at 8:40 which was late for me. Normally I am awake at 6 or 7 but I guess the late night was really making a difference. Most of sleep in, me and Lilia are the exceptions. I went downstairs and started emailing my teacher of why I wasn't at school. I was about to send the email when Anthony walked in. 

"What are doing?" Anthony asked.

"Sending an email to my teachers." I said turning to face him. 

"You don't have to. Noah's got official paper excusing us. It will also work till Lilia are out of the hospital." Anthony said. I rolled my eyes and deleted the draft. 

"You gonna make breakfast?" I asked Anthony. 

"Nah! Peter went to go pick up some Burger King and Starbucks since he knew none of us would want to cook." Anthony said. I love Starbucks! The Honey Citrus Mint Tea is my favorite!

"It be a while though since he is dropping some off at the hospital too." Anthony said. I nodded. They probably really needed coffee. I know Noah loves Coffee but Carter, me, and Anthony are more of Tea lovers.

When Peter walked in he pulled out his phone and shown us a video. It was of Lilia. She was apparently under anesthesia the conversation went like this.

Lilia: No! 

Carter: Do you not love me?

Lilia: Yes!

Carter: So you love me!

Lilia: No! I hate you! Your drinking coffee! I want coffee!

Noah: Lilia, you hate Coffee!

Lilia: I do?

Peter: They're your taste bud!

Lilia: Taste buds? *Gasps* Is that why I hate tuna and coffee?

Carter: Yes! So if you hate coffee why are you so mad at me?

Lilia: I not! Well, anymore. I just forgot my taste buds. Sorry buds!

Everyone cracked up and the video ended. None of us could catch our breaths. 

I guess Lily just has to remind us everyday why we love her so much!

So did you like it? I really wanted to give someone a girlfriend and there you go!

I really hoped you enjoyed sorry it took so long everything is so crazy but I'm really excited for the holidays.

I celebrate Christmas and I'm sure most of you do to but if you don't please comment what holiday you do celebrate(if you even do celebrate)!

Peace out!

Skipper <3

5 brothers and meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora