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Noah's POV:

They found her! Lilia was found! 

When we got the phone call. We all ran for the car. We didn't pack anything we just left. Carter and Anthony didn't even buckle in. The lady who called said that she was breathing but had major problems. She didn't specify she just told us they were bad.

"Who are you here for?" The lady at the desk asked us.

"Lilia Pinewood." Carter said almost before she finished. The nurse looked down.

"Room number 324, floor 3." The lady said.

We all ran for the elevator. Carter jammed the 3 button and we went up. When the doors opened we all ran for the room. Finally we got to room. 

"Sorry, but Lilia is in Critical condition and cannot be seen right now." The nurse said.

"What happened? Is she alright?" Carter asked. The nurse signed.

"She is about 85 pounds, was stabbed in the leg, has sever sunburns on her back and face, hypothermia,  sever cuts, and whip scars. We also occasionally lose her heartbeat." The nurse said. 

Carter's face went blank. She had been stabbed! Who the heck would stab a 16 year? she had been kidnapped, whipped, stabbed, and tortured! Things you only thought happened in nightmares.

The nurse left and we all walked to the waiting room. We all sat down and waited. I looked at my watch. It was noon. 

"Guys, we packed nothing and as of what they told us she won't be awake for hours." Peter said after a few minutes of unbearable silence. "I say that me and Sammy go home and pack a few things. That way if Lilia does wake up she'll have Noah and Carter with her."

We all nodded and then Samuel and Peter left.  Anthony paced, Carter cried, and I texted. I texted Peter, my girlfriend, some of my buddies, and a few of my coworkers. 

Peter and Sammy came back at about 5 with some dinner. We ate at least a bit but all food just seemed very unappetizing. Then, at 9 o'clock they let us in. 

Lilia look absolutely horrid.  Her little blue eyes were open but puffy and swollen. The blankets were pulled over her but I could tell she was sickly skinny. She was constantly shivering. Her eyes were blood shot and her hand were slightly blue. 

She gave a small sigh when she saw us. Carter walk over to her side and rubbed her head gently. I could only wonder what was going through Carter's head.

"I'm so sorry!" Carter finally whispered. 

"Don't be! You tried! I'm okay now." She croaked. Her voice was completely gone. 

"I think okay is stretching it. Stable is a better word."  The nurse said. Lilia groaned which made Carter give a small smile. 

The nurse gave Lilia some pills then left. Lilia stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down her checks.  Carter touch her hand and she turned to face him. Her whole face was red and swollen. 

"You okay?"Carter asked placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"I was so scared! I thought I was never going to see you guys again! They starved me, whipped me..."She couldn't say anything else she was crying so hard. Carter pulled her into a hug and she cried her eyes out onto his shoulder.

I didn't know what to say. She was shaking so hard as she hugged Carter. I didn't blame her. She had been tortured for a little over a month. Finally Carter laid her back down and she fell asleep, still shaking.

"Who...who would do this to a 16 year old?" Carter asked, eyes watering. I placed a hand on his shoulder. 

Carter didn't even look back. He didn't move didn't anything. He just stood there staring at poor Lilia. 

"Wait," Anthony said which caused me to turn around. "Lilia might not even know that she is 16." 

"Plus, we didn't even celebrate for you two." I said. 

"Noah, are you think what I'm think?" Peter asked. We both looked at each other, having the same idea forming on our heads. 

"I'll take Sammy and we'll get the stuff. You just distract Lily if she wakes. Make sure she is asleep when we get back." I said. Peter nodded and the other just looked super confused.

"Come on Sammy! We got to go!" I said grabbing the keys. Sammy frowned. confused, but followed. 

"Were are we going?" Sammy asked once we had left the room. 

 "To the store. Anthony, Carter, and Lilia all need a party." I said smiling. Sam gave a small laugh and we left. This was going to be perfect!


"So we have balloons, steamers, a cake, some chips, and one present for Anthony." Sammy said once we got back in the car after a half an hour of shopping in Part city.

"I say we go to JC Penny so that we can find some cute clothing for Lilia." I said starting the car. 

We drove to the store and Sammy helped me pick out a cute blouse and skirt for her. Luckily, since they were closing soon, it was on sale. After that Sammy and I headed over to Micheal's to get some new paints for Carter. 

While we were there we also got slippers and a mug for Anthony and a new canvas for Carter. Carter loved art so Micheal's was the place to shop for him. 

Finally after 2 hours of shopping we were at our last store, the music shop. Lilia loved music and used to spend hours in the shop. We bought a few things then we left.

We got back to the house and quickly wrapped the presents before hurrying back to the hospital. Peter helped me and Sammy decorate. We forced Carter and Anthony to wear blind folds but they knew what we were doing.

Finally when the room was decorated we had Carter and Anthony remove their blind folds. They woke Lilia up and she smiled. 

We had set up balloons and streamers all over the room. We had the presents on a chair near the bed. On the nightstand next to Lilia we put the cake. 

The triplets opened presents. Lilia got the outfit we got from JC Penny, a blanket, a new piano book, a cute guitar pick, and a pocket knife. Carter got the paints, 3 canvases, a new pair of Pajamas, a football, and some new jeans. Anthony got the slippers, a mug, a giant red A, a pack of Oreo's, and some calone. 

Then we ate cake and had a fun time. A nurse came in about halfway through and wished all three triplets a happy birthday.

Everyone was happy, especially Carter and Lily! Mission accomplished!

Hey guys! 

So this is my first chapter written in only one person's POV! Yay!

Again I'm really sorry for not updating for a while! I hope you enjoyed the updates!

I just wanted to say that writing does take a LOT of time. Writing both of these chapters has taken up at LEAST 3 hours. I like to put a lot of thought into my writing.

Well, that's all I have to say.

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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