Normal again?

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Noah's POV:

The next day after I had taken the boys out to lunch the school I worked at called me. I was technically allowed on take family leave but I was out of days. Tomorrow I was going to have to go back to school. 

The boys and I decided to take shifts. During the day Carter, Sam, and I were at the hospital with Lilia and at night it was Anthony and Peter. Both Carter and Anthony (and sometimes me) would insist on stay the extra shift. Most of the time we end up letting the triplets stay together. 

Sam has one more day before he was needed back at work and Carter and Anthony need to get back before they end up swimming in make-up work. Peter has been trying to do some of his work at the hospital. I could tell he was struggling even if he wouldn't admit it. 

If we all went to our daily activities than Lilia would be alone at the hospital. She would have the nurses and doctors to help take care of her but her emotional state was shaky. She often had nightmares or flashbacks and would just start crying. 

Lilia also wasn't allowed to be discharged for another 10 days.

We didn't have any family. Mom and Dad both died (Dad from drinking and driving and mom from childbirth). Mom's family disowned her after she eloped to my father. Father's parents died from old age 14 years ago. My father had only had one brother but he is in jail for murder. 

Sam and I get home we go our separate ways. I go to the office to look up possible solution and Sam goes to his room probably to text Marina. 

I looked all over the web for about an hour and a half before Sam walks in. 

"I quit." Sam says

"What?" I ask confused. Quit what? Then suddenly it hits me. "You quit your job!?"

"Yeah." Sam says nodding.

"Samuel Timothy Pinewood, what has gotten into you? Why did you quit? You loved your job." I say appalled. Sam just tilts his head to the side.

"I did love my job but I love Lilia more. You and Anthony make enough to keep us running. I'll start helping Anthony and we'll be fine." Sam says. I hate to admit how write he is. It really is the perfect solution it just seems a bit too harsh on him. 

"Alright, you seem reasonable. If you are happy with it I guess I can in no way protest." I say. Sam smiles. 


Lilia's POV

I am running. Alberto is only a foot behind me. He is holding a whip and occasionally lets loose a hit towards that lashes at my back. I can hear Carter but he's so far away. Then suddenly Alberto caught me he pushed me to the ground and started beating on me. His hands moved fast. He drop the whip and start pounding on me. 

I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. I could still see Alberto's face smiling as he destroyed my life. I sat up(as much as I can will all my injuries) and look around my room. I realize Carter is up too. 

"Hey Carter." I say. My voice seems to startle him and I realize he might not have been fully awake. 

"Hey Lilia, did you have a nightmare or something." He asks. I nod my head and he walks over and embraces me. "Wanna talk about it?"

I shake my head. Talking about them only makes things worse. Carter nods his head as if he understands. He runs his hand over my hair. This is the Carter that I remember. We split up our embrace. Carter helped me sit up. He pulled a chair over and we turned on a dim lamp.

"So, you going back to school tomorrow?" I asked to lighten the mood. 

"Yeah, although I'd rather stay with you at the hospital." Carter said sadly. I smiled. This was classic Carter, wanting to take care of me over everything else. 

"I'd rather be at school." I said. That made Carter laugh. I'd rather be anywhere than here and Carter knows it. We talk for a few minutes before Carter helps lay me back down. I try to sleep but I can't. I twist and turn but it's impossible. 

Finally I find myself drifting off to sleep. 


Sam's POV: 

The next morning I wake early to go to the hospital. Like a normal day we wake up (just earlier than normal) and eat some breakfast. Then we all pile in the car and drive off for the hospital. Once we're there Carter and Anthony go with Noah to school and Peter goes off on his own leaving me with Lilia. 

Really Lilia has had the worst of luck out of all of us. Her whole life really. 

Once our mother died our father started drinking. Everyday he would come home late, drunk. Noah, even though he was only 9, was forced to take the role as the head of the house. We tried to help but I was 2 and Peter was 5. 

Then things really got bad when the triplets were 5, Peter was 11, Noah was 15, and I was 8. Noah was in his room crying from the stress of school and taking care of us. Father found him and since he blamed Lilia for his wife's death (and literally everything else that went wrong) he grabbed Lilia from her room and dragged her to Noah's room where he was crying.

"Look what you did!"My father yelled and pointed at crying Noah. 

Noah tried to protest that Lilia wasn't the cause but my father carried her out of the room. He took her to the couch and start smacking her and spanking her. Lilia starting screaming and crying. Noah ran in and through Dad away from Lilia. Dad slapped Noah so hard he fell to the ground. Lilia crawled over to Noah who held her tight against his chest My father didn't fight anymore. He just scowled and ran off. 

The situation only got worse 3 year later. Father decided that every family needed a mother and since Lilia was the only girl she was the "Mother". Noah tried to argue but my father gave him a beating for arguing and the topic was no longer discussed. 

Father expected her to cook and clean. Even though we never formally organized, we all agreed to help Lilia in some way. Father didn't want us to help her because we should be "Enjoying our childhood" even though Noah was 18, Peter was 14, and I was 11. 

Noah mostly helped Lilia cook because most normal people wouldn't trust an 8 year old with knives and an oven. We had to be secretive about helping Lilia though, because if father found one of us helping we would get a beating. 

One day Lilia was in the kitchen with Noah when father came home. Normally he came in the front door but today he came in the back to see Noah helping Lilia. It was the most drunk I've ever seen him. 

His eyes filled with rage. He pushed Noah down and started beating him. Lilia was scared so she through the ladle she was holding at father hitting him perfectly in the head. Fathers head turned.even.from the place I was standing I could see the anger make his eyes dialate themselves. He lunged and grabbed Lilia. He ran down the hall dragging her behind him. 

We all ran to the door only to find it locked. For the next few hours we heard Lilia screaming and father's voice screaming words to her that never should be repeated. 

It was hours until we saw Lilia she was bloody and bruised. We all helped bandage Lilia up after father went to bed. She never told us what father did to her but we can only image with all the cuts, blood, and bruises that covered her skin. 

Lilia's whole life has just been a series of unfortunate events. 

So how was it? Did you enjoy?

This is so far my longest chapter but it really gives you Lilia's history.

Sorry I haven't undated in forever but I've been cRAzY busy!

That's all for now.

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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