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Lilia's POV:

What my brother did for me was so sweet! I actually enjoyed myself! Then once it was over the memories came back. 

I remembered the beatings how much each hit, each move, each second hurt. I remembered the hours I would spend trying to fall asleep. I remembered being starved and dreaming of eating something, anything really!

Every second of my kidnap period I longed for home. I longed for Carter, Anthony, Sam, Peter, and Noah. I longed for a real bed and some real clothes. 

The whole experience traumatized me. I had been missing for over a month! I was being starved 90% of the time and ate mystery meat with grey glop for the other 10% of time. 

Imagine being taken away from your family to be starved, tortured, beaten up like crazy, and forced to were bikinis in literally freezing temperatures. That's how I felt.

My leg was numb which was good since I had been stabbed and it had hurt really bad when the knife dug into my skin. I heard Carter whisper that I had 10 sets of stitches.  

It hurt to breathe and my throat was sandpaper. The IVs were extremely uncomfortable and made it hard to move my arms. Even though every muscle in my body hurt, the worst thing was seeing Carter. 

It was obvious that he blamed himself. He barely touched me which was hard. The whole month I had longed for Carter back. 

I had longed to feel his gentle touch, his protective arms, his gentle voice, and his understanding eyes. All I came back to were shaky hands, lifeless arms, an apologetic voice, and sad eyes. 

I just want Carter back! The real Carter.


Carter's POV:

Seeing Lilia brought a little comfort but mostly it hurt. 

It was painful to see her so abused and lifeless. She was only 16! This wasn't meant to happen. 

I know it's my fault. I had been there when she was taken. If I had tried a little hard, fought back a little more, and given them a little more of a fight Lilia would be okay. Maybe a little bit beat up but nothing like this!

I knew Lilia would hate for me to think this but even she can't stop my thoughts. My mind was constantly filled with "what if's". I know that no one blames me but I do. It is one thing I will never let myself live down. 

Several times while Lilia was gone I thought about suicide. I told myself that if I just killed myself then Lilia would be safe.

I was even sitting in the kitchen one day holding a knife but I just couldn't. The bit of positive that was still in me told me that Lilia would be safer with me. That she would be emotionally hurt even with me alive and would be devastated if I was dead.  

Luckily, I was right. Lilia was a little bit scared (mentally and physically). I tried to relax and be myself but it was hard. 

The last month had been really hard. I was living without my sister who I loved and adored. 

It had been 2 days since Lilia was found. She cried almost every time I talked and almost seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I knew something needed to change and I could probably do it. I just needed to be alone.

I pulled Noah out into the hall. He looked at me utterly confused. 

"Noah, Lilia needs help. She's getting all the physical attention she needs but not the mental. I think I can help but it would be best if she and I were alone." I said. I waited for and answer but Noah seemed to be thinking.

"That's fine with me but how do we get rid of the other boys?"Noah asked. I smiled I had it all planed out. I whispered me plan into Noah's ear and he smiled.

We walked back into the room. Lilia was asleep.

"Hey guys!" Noah whispered "How about we go get some lunch. Carter can stay to keep and eye on Lilia and we can go cheer ourselves up." 

I knew my brothers well and just like I predicted they were all dilated at the sound of food. I did also ask Noah to pick up some hot coco and cheese curd for Lilia.

I waited till they left then pulled up a chair next to Lilia. I hated to do it but I gently shock her awake. 

Lilia gave a soft sign then woke up. She sat up slightly and smiled at me. She looked around the room then had a mini panic attack.

"They just went out for lunch." I said softly. I seemed like now if she didn't know where we were she freaked out. 

"What do you want?" she asked sleepily.

"I want the real you back." I said helping her sit up. She immediately burst into tear. I hugged her and let her cry into my shoulder.

"That was unexpected" I said to myself. It took her a second to calm down.

"And I want the real you back." She finally said. "Every day I told myself that if I was every rescued you be there with open arms and that smile I used to know. 

I was speechless. I didn't think of it that way but of coarse she felt that way. That's exactly how I would feel if I was her.

Hot sticky tears soon started falling down my face. I hugged her tighter. Then I finally pulled away and with my eyes full of tears I smiled, staring into her glossy brown eyes. 

She smiled back and pulled me back into the embrace. I held onto her tight. She weak in my arms but she was happy, finally truly happy. 

Finally we both stopped crying and I laid her back down. My smile still didn't fall and it was still stuck tight on my face when Noah and my other brothers walked in the door. 

I am really sorry that this chapter is so late but at least it's happy right?

So I decided that since "5 brothers and me" is kinda a bad title I really need a new one. Please comment any ideas. They will be VERY useful.

Thank you so much for ready another chapter of my book. I love you all so much and that's all.

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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