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Phil- You like me....

No reply

Phil- Pls answer back, I just want to talk....

No reply

Phil- FINE:(

~Time skip~

4 period

Private- im sorry:( pls forget that I said anything about liking you and I'll stop talking to you like you always wanted..

Phil- No I want to talk to you, You seem really nice and I want to get to know you more.

Private- are you sure..

Phil- Of course:p

Private- well what do you want to know about me ;)

Phil- Tell me about yourself.. What's your hobbies, interests....

Here you go another chapter I am really tired of waiting for Wednesday so I might change things to every Monday or Friday idk I'm weird and hate waiting for things because I'm so impatient af...anyways ya so. I'm so done with MY bs anyways...ya.

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