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Private- well I like to hide myself in a black sweater so that people don't know me. I don't like talking to people:/

Phil- Well you like talking to me.. don't you:)

Private- ya but that's different

Phil- Different how???

Private- your not like other people

Phil- Thanks :)

~Very long time skip~

~Phil's POV~
It's been at least 7 months of talking to this person and I still can't figure out who this private mistress person is. I sit on my bed texting him, like always trying to find out his name.

~Private's POV~
I've been talking to Phil for 7 months now I think that I should tell him by now but I'm to afraid...I'm really scared for his reaction he might know me. I start to freak out.

~oh my god a time skip~

I wake up from a horrible night terror I start to hyperventilate I can't breath my heart skips two beats my forehead full of sweat I sit there crying but can't feel anything.

Private- p p Phil.

My hand starts to shake as I try to text phil.

Phil- Hey its 1:26 in the morning what do you want..

Private- im freaking out i can't feel myself breath

Phil- WHAT, are you okay

Private- i can't breath i had a night terror i dont know what to do

Phil- Well, you have to focus on your breathing.

Private is typing...

Phil- Breathe in for 4 seconds.

Private is typing...

Phil- Hold in for 7 seconds.

Private is typing...

Phil- And breathe out for 8 seconds.

Private- okay it's better now thank you

Phil- Do you want to talk about anything.. or are you okay now.

Private- phil there is something that I should tell you now :/

Phil- Is everything okay..

Private- no...

There's another chapter for ya'll hope you enjoyed and find out more from the next chapter. Put your feedback in the comments and I'll get back to it next time I feel liked posting thank you. I was originally supposed to post today but I'm just gonna post whenever I feel like it haha.

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