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I'm so freaking excited..
while I was out doing all my things that I needed to do because of having all the extra time while all the things that where keeping me from my stories I decided to write more chapters for when I was ready to come back. I mostly did that when I wasn't busy.

It was upsetting not having my fav two people in my life back.. but thinking a lot and having to do some stuff while I was gone.. made me think more.

I was real busy with school and home.. you' know family drama and much more where that comes from. Also dealing with some stuff with me.. not knowing what I want in life. I was being pressured about things that I had to think long_____and hard about.

It upset me lots because I had to choose between a few things that I love most.. my writing
.. my singing
.. my drawing
.. my love for animals

I had to choose long and hard. But thinking after for a month or two I know what I want, now. I had to choose in school my courses for grade 11, and what I wanted for my co-op. I had to choose between a couple things.. so because I already did a co-op in grade 10, it was food and I didn't love it as much as I love my writing.

Most people know me very well and know that I hate choosing between things I love most and that is what I had to do.. it took me so long and that's one of the many reasons I had to leave wattpad for awhile.

It frustrates me how I can't do everything but unfortunately this is how the world works.. which is stupid (sorry that's just my opinion) personally I wish I could do everything I love.

I have thought about my options and decided to take my writing further. I had to talk to most of the teachers and guidance counsellors at my school.. (eww socializing) and I may have to do some summer school to get a better mark in my English classes. (Because personally.. I have a language disability, and have locally developed classes) so it was hard to be able to try and get help with this.

Writing has always been apart of my life and it's always been a passion of mine. It clears my head when I'm frustrated and or very mad at times. It's helpful to me. 

I started writing my own stories, since I was able to write. I don't know if I even have words for how happy it makes me.

I'm told by friends and family that I am a great writer.. (I'd like to say good tho) that's one of the reasons I enjoy it. Not only that but when I go on to look at my stories and see the reads and how much I get each time I check it makes me happy that people would actually take the time to read them. Thank you so much for reads/views, it makes me so happy.

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