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I was standing there, clinging to Phil's side as the two talked. I look up and give this weird kid a death glare.

"Oh!.. sorry! I totally forgot to introduce myself" he says. The boy expands his arm to shake my hand, but as my hand is locked together with Phil's, I decided not to.

"Hi" I say dryly. Phil turns his head and looks at me weird. I kinda feel bad, but this kid is probably going to take my Phil. I don't know this person, nor like that he's talked to Phil.

"I'm Dan" I say putting on a fake smile, only for Phil. His big smile leaves his face as I say my name. Erm.. okie then. Is something wrong.

"I'm Dean" he says putting his hands in his sweater pocket. As soon as this Dean person turns to Phil, he smiles. Who the hell does this kid think he is?.

Phil smiles. "So do you wanna go get food or something?" Phil asked the two of us.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" I exclaim, like a small child. Phil laughs as I can tell Dean fake laughs. What a fake. I hate fake people.

As we head off for a restaurant we just decide to walk. As Phil and I are holding hands his leaves mine and I feel upset. Dean tried walking in the middle of Phil and I, but I quickly grab Phil's hand and kiss it in front of Dean.

Phil turns his head to me and I smile at him, a smug face on Dean, as I glance at him.

"Your hands are soft" I say, smiling. I can tell that Dean likes Phil and he's my boyfriend so I don't give a damn.


The rest of the walk to the restaurant, I got dirty, smug looks from Dean and it was a blur after that.

We got into the place and went to the counter to order some food. Phil ordered just a coffee and a croissant. I ordered a coffee and a bagel. And Dean ordered a coffee and a donut.

We sat down at a table. Dean and Phil talked for a few minutes and I purposely got some cream cheese on my cheek.

As my plan worked, Phil looked over at me and giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"You have some cream cheese on your face" Phil says, still giggling. He picked up a napkin and whipped it off my face. I smiled. YASSSSS! Point me.

Dean gives me a dirty look as he knew that he couldn't think of anything to get me back from my plan. He obviously knew. I kiss Phil's cheek softly, smirking and giving a dirty look back at Dean.

~Deans POV~
Dan has a plan and unfortunately it's working and because their dating I can't do anything, but pray. I know giving him dirty looks won't do anything but I still don't like the kid. Right when I herd his name I got pretty upset. He's a good looking, skinny, brown hair, brown eyes, tall boy. How am I supposed to compete with that.

Dan, Phil and I all decided to go for a walk in the park.

We leave the coffee shop and started walking. Dan was clinging to Phil's side, like a stray dog who hasn't been near any other dogs but Phil. Of course it bugs me, because I like Phil.. but maybe I should move on. He has a boyfriend.

I can't help but want Phil's hand in mine. Stupid feelings. When Phil's hand leaves dan like before I gotta try and walk in the middle of them and this time it works.

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