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*Jonah's POV*

Daniel- Wait.. Ari... Where is your bathing suit

After he said that my eyes got wide

Jonah- Um yeah lets go pay, one of you pay for mine i'll pay you back, i'm gonna take Aria outside

They nodded and Aria followed me outside. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. I sat down and she sat in my lap.

Jonah- Don't cry, it's ok
Jonah- Do you want me to tell them?

I nodded yes and he said ok.

*Daniel's POV*

After I said that Aria looked like she was going to cry. They walked outside and I turned to the guys.

Daniel- Was it something I said?
Jack- I don't know
Zach- I ship it
Corbyn- Ship what?

He pointed outside to Aria who was sitting on Jonah's lap hugging him and he was rubbing her back.

Zach- Something is happening between them
Daniel- Didn't he just meet her like two days ago?
Corbyn- Love at first sight you goon
Jack- I give it two months
Daniel- Till what?
Jack- They are together
Corbyn- I agree

We paid for our things and went back outside.

Jonah- You guy's ready?
Daniel- yep

*Jonah's POV*

We walked to the beach and sat down. Aria turned to me and whispered in my ear I'm gonna go sit further up I nodded and she walked away. I turned to the guys

Jonah- She is gonna go sit over there while I tell you guys what I know
Jack- Ok
Jonah- Stop me if you have questions
Zach- Ok
Jonah- Basically, Her mom died 2 years ago-
Corbyn- How?
Jonah- I don't know, she hasn't told me yet
Daniel- I wonder why
Jonah- As I was saying, After her mama died-
Jack- Mama?
Jonah- That's what she called her mom
Jonah- After she died her brother Bradley moved to Canada and she was left with her dad-
Aria- *Shouts* He isn't my dad!
Jonah- She was left with Ken, Ken abused her, He would hire people to rape her, and stuff
Jonah- She also gets bullied at school
Jonah- And she doesn't like people to call her Ari-
Daniel- Oh
Jonah- She doesn't like nicknames, The only people who called her Ari were her mom and brother. After they were out of her life she wouldn't let anyone call her that

Aria started to walk over so she could tell the last part.

Aria- I only let the really important people in my life call me Ari
Jonah- One more thing, do you want to show them?

She nodded and pulled up their sleeves. The boys were in shock. Throughout the whole story Zach and Daniel already looked like they were gonna cry but after she showed her arms they were even more upset. Zach stood up and hugged her which resulted in one big group hug.

Aria- Now you know part of my story
Corbyn- I'm sorry you had to go through that
Aria- It's ok
Daniel- Sorry for calling you Ari
Aria- Hey, it's ok. You didn't know
Zach- You can call me Zachary if you want to
Aria- Ok
Jonah- Are you guys ready to swim?
Corbyn- Um, where do we get changed?
Daniel- Bathrooms.. you fool

They all walked away and I turned to Aria

Jonah- Stay here, I'll be back
Aria- Ok

I walked away, into the bathrooms

*Aria's POV*

After the guys walked away I just sat in the sand and waited. While they were in there a guy came up to me.

Aria- Can I help you?
???- I just wanted to say that you are really pretty
Aria- Ok
???- I'm Peter by the way
Aria- I'm Aria
Peter- So Ari, do you want to go out sometime
Aria- It's Aria
Peter- I know
Peter- Do you wanna go out sometime Ari?
Aria- .....Aria
Peter- Come on don't be so uptight Ari

I have had enough of this guy. I grabbed his shirt and got my face really close, so he could understand what I was saying

Aria- My.Name.Is.Aria.You.Filthy. Asshole.

I slapped him really hard across his face. Jonah and the boys came running over.

Jonah- Woah Woah Woah, What happened?
Aria- He was bothering me
Peter- I just asked you on a date you bitch, be grateful that ANYONE would EVER ask you out you ugly ass whore

I gasped and a tear slipped out of my eye. Daniel and the others pulled me in and tried to comfort me while I was crying.

*Jonah's POV*

Peter- I just asked you on a date you bitch, be grateful that ANYONE would EVER ask you out you ugly ass whore

Aria turned away while the others comforted her

Jonah- Hey asshole, you don't say that to a beautiful girl
Peter- You think THAT is beautiful, Look at her... she is so insecure!
Jonah- Beauty is more than just the outside
Peter- Humph yeah right
Jonah- Just shut the fuck up already

I punched him across his face and he started running. I turned around and Aria ran into my arms. She hugged me and cried into my chest

Aria- I'm sorry
Jonah- You don't have to be sorry
Jonah- Don't let what he said get to you, he is worthless

A few minuets later Aria had calmed down and we were all swimming, she stayed on the shore, she told us to have fun.

*Aria's POV*

I was smiling watching all of the guys splash around in the water. It was really funny. I started to scan the beach when I saw someone. Raymond. My eyes got wide and I quickly ran over to Jonah.

Jonah- Woah what's wrong?
Aria- We have to go. Now.
Jonah- What? Why?
Aria- One of the guys Ken hires is here. W-We have to go
Jonah- OK. Sh calm down it will be ok

I kept shaking my head no. It's not gonna be ok. Jonah got the rest of the guys and we started walking off the beach when Raymond came up to us. The guys hid me in the middle of them and in their towels.

Raymond- Have you seen this girl?
Jonah- Nah bro
Raymond- You sure?
Jonah- Yeah
Raymond- Then who is that in the towel?

Lamentable//Jonah Marais (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now