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*Aria's POV*
*5 days later-New-years eve*

(If you are confused I re published this chapter, I didn't add anything I just fixed some spacing❤️)

I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT I CHANGED THE DESCRIPTION! The old "theme" where I wanted to add the quotes wasn't working with what I wanted to do. SO I CHANGED IT! Ok enough of me I know a lot of you guys are excited for another chapter. THERE WILL BE AN AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END!

I woke up at 2 am. Again. You may be wondering what do you mean "again"? Basically about 5 days ago I was having these terrible nightmares about my past, and I may or may not have them every night now. I haven't told Jonah about them cause he can't know what they were about. Let's just say the things that happen in my nightmares actually happened, and I know I'm going to have to tell Jonah about everything soon, I-I just can't. If I told Jonah that would put him and the boys in danger and I can't have that. Anyways, I woke up suddenly and frantically looked around making sure nobody was there. After I was sure nobody was there, I let out a deep sigh and gently laid my head back on the pillow. I laid there for a minute contemplating whether or not I should get up. After a few minutes I decided to get up. I walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I went to walk out of the bathroom but Zach was standing there.

Aria- Hey
Zach- Ari, what are you doing up at 2 am?
Aria- I couldn't sleep
Zach- Go Tell Jonah, he will help you
Aria- I-I can't
Zach- Why?
Aria- The nightmare I had was very personal
Zach- Oh
Zach- Well I hope you get some sleep, you need energy for later
Aria- Thanks Zach, for looking out for me
Zach- No problem

I smiled at him and walked back into my room. I laid down and tried to fall asleep, but the memories were haunting me. I couldn't get them out of my head. It was like someone trapped me in a room with all of my bad memories just screaming at me and there was nothing I could do. I grabbed my bear and my phone and stood in the corner, I slowly slid down the wall until my butt touched the floor. I squeezed my bear and put my phone next to me. I started crying thinking about my awful memories. Why? Why me? Why did I have to have such a shitty childhood, and such a shitty father?! I kept crying till I got a text. I picked my phone up and tried to read it. I could barely see what it said cause if the amount of tears that were in my eyes, but I think it was from Zach and it said "I'm sorry" I was really confused until Jonah came into the room and looked directly at me. I gave him a weak smile and he walked over to me. He grabbed a blanket off of my bed and sat in front of me. He placed the blanket over my lap and adjusted it so it covered all of my legs.

Jonah- What's wrong?
Aria- N-Nothing really
Jonah- That's not what Zach said
Aria- I had a nightmare about my past, it's no big deal
Jonah- Aria.....

He grabbed my hand and looked at me. A tear fell from my eye and he pulled me in for a hug. Of course I hugged back cause I needed this right now, I needed to be in his arms. I needed him to tell me that everything was going to be ok. I needed him to save me from my thoughts, but he couldn't do that. I needed him to hold me forever and save me from everything. My father, my thoughts, this hell hole, myself.... But I know he isn't capable of doing that. I cried harder into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. Jonah is one of those people who will ask something once and if you don't respond he won't ask again. He is very good with helping me through my problems without knowing what they are, and I admire him for that. Jonah is the type of person who doesn't judge you for crying into his shoulder at 2 am, he just lets you do it and comforts you. It's honestly the best thing ever. We sat there for a while until I finally stopped crying. Jonah put me on my bed and go in beside me. I pulled me to his chest and we both fell asleep

Lamentable//Jonah Marais (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now