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*Jonah's POV*

While Alice and Aria were upstairs getting ready the guys and I were also getting ready. We all wore the same black tux. I was done before everyone else so I sat on the couch. I was just sitting there and someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened it to see a fairly tall male.

Jonah- Hey, Can I help you
???- Yeah actually, I'm looking for someone named Aria.. Is she here?
Jonah- Who is asking?
???- I need to talk to her

I didn't know who this guy was and didn't really want to trust him. I wan't sure if he was an ex, the thought of her talking to an ex made my blood boil. He sounded like he really needed to talk to her so I called her down

Jonah- Hey Ari!
Aria- Yeah?!
Jonah- Come here!
Aria- Ok!

She walked downstairs and smiled, I couldn't help but smile cause she looked stunning. Her smile faded though when she saw who was at the door. I turned to him and he smiled.

Aria- No
Jonah- Aria, who is this?
Aria- No no no no no

His smiled faded when she started saying no

???- Ari...
Aria- Don't call me that

*Aria's POV*

Aria- Don't call me that
Bradley- Aria...

Jonah let him in and shut the door behind him. He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist.

Jonah- Care to explain
Aria- Jonah, this is my brother... Bradley
Bradley- So is this the boyfriend I see all over the internet
Aria- How did you find me Bradley, I ignored you cause you left me after Mom left me.
Bradley- I had to leave Aria, You and mom were so alike and I just couldn't handle it
Aria- Oh so you thought that I could be in the same house as that monster... Alone?!?!
Bradley- Aria, what are you talking about
Aria- Oh I don't know maybe cause after you left he didn't stop!
Bradley- W-What?
Aria- Yeah Bradley! You couldn't think for one second about me, now could you?! You didn't think that Dad might abuse me! Or dad tried to rape me! Or that he hired people to rape me!

Tears started falling. Jonah hugged me and tired to get me to calm down.

Jonah- How about we calm down and sit on the couch Ari

He went to go and pick me up but Bradley stopped him.

Bradley- Don't touch her
Aria- Oh now you can control my life? If you would have stayed in my life you would know that Jonah saved me from that hell hole
Bradley- I'm sorry for everything Aria, Can we sit and talk, like we used to.. Just you and me?
Aria- Fine but our talk can wait

Just then everyone came downstairs cause it was almost time to leave

Alice- Who is that?
Corbyn- I agree
Bradley- Who are you?
Aria- Guys, Alice this is my brother Bradley, Bradley these are the guys and Alice
Bradley- Back to what you were saying, why does our talk have to wait
Aria- Well if you didn't notice it's Christmas, we are all dressed fancy and i'd like to spend time with my friends, We are going to dinner
Bradley- You have my number, Call me when you are ready to talk

He lightly smiled and walked out of the house. I sat down and Jonah walked over.

Jonah- Hey, you ok?
Aria- Yeah, Sorry me and my idiot brother had to ruin your Christmas
Daniel- You didn't ruin it
Jonah- You mean our Christmas
Alice- Yeah, It wouldn't have been as fun without you
Aria- Are you sure?
Jonah- 100%, Ready to eat?
Aria- Yeah, lets go

Lamentable//Jonah Marais (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now