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*Aria's pov*

I got back to the house and walked in with tons of bags. Daniel and Corbyn jumped off the couch to help me.

Daniel- What the hell did you buy?
Aria- Christmas presents and some winter clothes
Jack- Here let us help

They grabbed the bags and put them in my room. We all ended up walking into the kitchen. I sat on the counter and everyone else just stood somewhere.

Aria- I actually have Jonah's Christmas present coming in the mail soon so NOBODY open the mail, please
Jonah- You didn't have to get me anything
Aria- I wanted to

He walked over to me and stood in between my legs

Daniel- Oh my goossshhh just ask her out already!

I blushed and jumped off the counter, Jonah rubbed the back of his neck and moved out of the way.

Jonah- So ehm, L-Let's go to Chipotle?
Zach- I'm down

We all started walking towards the door but I ran back up to get my phone. We got in the car and drove to Chipotle. I was sat next to Jonah. While I was waiting for the boys to come back with food I was thinking.

Do I like Jonah? I mean he is cute and everything but am I ready for a relationship? I mean, he helped me with my abusive, alcoholic father. The boys tell me all the time that Jonah likes me, and we almost kissed a few times... Am I accidentally leading him on? Or do I actually want a relationship with him?

I was brought out of my thoughts cause Jonah was trying to get my attention.

Jonah- Aria?
Aria- Sorry I zoned out
Jonah- You ok?
Aria- Yeah, I was just thinking

I gave him a light smile and he smiled back. Through the rest of the night I was thinking about how I felt towards Jonah.

*Timeskip the next day*

Jonah kissed my head and walked towards the door.

Jonah- We will be back at 6
Aria- Ok, is it ok if Alice comes over?
Jack- Alice?! Yeah, Of course I mean she is like super nice and everything OH and tell her to stay over and watch movies with us tonight it will be super fun, I mean thats only if she wants to.
Aria- ooookkkk

Jonah laughed as the all walked out of the door. They had to start recording a new EP. I quickly texted Alice to come over and she agreed.

I was sitting on the couch and the doorbell rang. I hopped up and opened it.

Aria- Alice!
Alice- Hey girlie!
Aria- Come in, Come in

She came in and we talked on the couch of hours. We eventually decided to go into my room. We sat on my bed and started talking.

Alice- So you and Jonah
Aria- I-I don't know
Alice- WHAT?? I thought you two were like a thing
Aria- I-I've been thinking about everything and I just don't know
Alice- What do you mean?
Aria- I mean I like him, He is super nice and he isn't bad looking but I don't know. He helped me with my whole family situation but he still doesn't know the full story. I guess what i'm trying to say is I don't know if i'm ready for a relationship
Alice- Aw Aria, If you feel that way you need to tell him, If you are afraid that he is gonna hurt you then, he won't. Jonah is a good guy and you know that. If you don't want anything right now tell him, the worst thing to do is to lead him on
Aria- I know, I know. Like we have almost kissed but I-I-I i'm sorry

I bursted into tears and hugged my knees

Aria- I'm really sorry Alice. I'm sorry i'm dragging you into this, I'm sorry
Alice- Stop saying sorry
Aria- Sorry
Alice- So let me help you with this
Aria- What?
Alice- What do you like about him?
Aria- He is really nice, He cares, He understands, He doesn't judge. Alice, I haven't felt alright in a long time, but he makes me feel alright
Alice- Tell him that
Aria- I don't know if I'm ready to let him love me, or let myself love him. This whole feeling is new to me Alice, I might just be overreacting
Alice- Talk to him Aria
Aria- I will, Thank you

I hugged her and the front door opened.

Alice- Now is your time
Aria- I'm nervous
Alice- I'll send Jonah up

I knew I had no choice so I just nodded. She walked out and a few minuets later Jonah walked in. He smiled and shut the door

Jonah- Alice said you needed to talk to me, Everything alright?
Aria- Uh yeah, C-Can you sit?
Jonah- Yeah

He sat down and looked at me.

Aria- It's kinda important
Jonah- What is it about?
Aria- Us
Jonah- What about us?
Aria- Jonah I like you
Jonah- I like you too
Aria- I don't know that i'm ready though
Jonah- Oh

I could hear that my words make him upset and it tore me apart.

Aria- I mean I really like you and stuff, I just don't know if i'm ready to let you love me... Or let myself love you
Jonah- It's ok
Aria- W-What?
Jonah- It's ok Aria, I understand. You have been through a lot. I'm willing to wait for you
Aria- I thought you would be mad
Jonah- I could never be mad at you

I smiled and we went downstairs to enjoy movies with everyone else


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