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*Jonah's POV*

Raymond- Then who is that in the towel?
Daniel- My cousin
Raymond- Why is your cousin hiding
Daniel- She doesn't like people
Raymond- Are you sure, cause i'm pretty sure I saw the girl i'm looking for with you guys
Jack- Listen, leave us alone and we won't have any problems.
Raymond- You listen to m-


Raymond- You assholes are lucky that my phone rang

He walked away and we all ran back to the cars. We all drove to what was soon gonna be the band house. We are all working on moving in there. When we got there I turned to Aria who was sitting beside me in the passenger seat.

Jonah- You ok?
Aria- Yeah
Jonah- You sure?
Aria- Yeah
Jonah- Ok

We walked inside and the guys greeted us.

Daniel- Are you ok Aria?
Aria- Yeah, i'm fine
Jonah- Well we can't go back out right now, so what are we gonna do?
Zach- No clue
Jack- Do you sing Aria?
Aria- No
Jack- Hmm
Zach- We could...... Ummm
Aria- Hmmm
Jonah- We could.... ummmm
Corbyn- None of us know how to play

Daniel clapped his hands and scared us.

Daniel- i got it!!
Jonah- What?
Daniel- We sing to Aria!
Aria- Guys, you don'y have too...
Zach- YES!

They walked over and got everything set up. They all sat in front of me and I smiled. They started singing and it was beautiful

When they were done I clapped for them.

Aria- That was amazing!
Jonah- Thank you
Aria- That was really good, like REALLY good
Jack- Why thank you
Zach- What now?
Corbyn- Do you have any talents Aria?
Aria- Not really
Daniel- Anything you do in your free time?
Aria- I like to draw
Jack- Can you show us?
Aria- Sure

I pulled my phone out and showed them a few pictures.

Zach- That's really good, omg
Jack- It really is
Aria- Thanks guys

Over the next 6 months (It's now December) Everyone got closer. The boys and Aria moved into the band house, Aria hasn't heard anything from her dad or his guys. She still goes to school and gets bullied, just not when the guys are around. She is doing really well with her depression, she isn't as depressed, but still a little. She is starting to trust the boys more and more. Her and Jonah flirt sometimes. Zach is like her little brother, and best friend. She is good friends with all of the boys but is closest with Zach and Jonah. She met a girl named Alice a few months ago at a store, they have become really close. It is December 12 and she is going Christmas shopping.

Aria- Guys!
Daniel- Yeah?
Aria- I'm going Christmas shopping!
Jack- Ok! Bye Bug!

Oh I forgot to mention, all of the boys... except Jonah... Call Aria Bug. She let them call her bug because she wants to get used to nicknames.

Back to the story

I walked out of the house and into my car. I forgot, the boys got me a car too. I drove to the Grove and started looking around. I wanted to get the boys meaningful things. I was thinking about what I wanted to get them.

I kinda want to get Zach something to do with TV shows. Zach and I always watch TV on the weekends. We talk and watch Stranger things, Riverdale, Friends, Big bang theory and other shows. While I was looking around one shop I found the perfect thing.

Lamentable//Jonah Marais (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now