Im Sick

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Guys I would have had a chapter yesterday but I got some stomach flu thing and I'm sick sooooo Yeaahhhhh. I'll have a chapter out as soon as I finish it. I didn't have it finished cause I got sick half way through the chapter and shiizz. Yeah.

There weren't a lot of questions for the character thing but i'll leave the ones that were

(a special thanks to JonahMaraisLover19  for asking these questions) 


Q- How do Jonah's hugs feel? 
A- Jonah's hugs feel amazing!


Q- I don't have a question for you but I just wanted to say that you are a very good person
A- Aww thanks


Q- Why are you such an ass?

A- Define the word "Ass" and i'll tell you

THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING THAT I'M SICK AND IF YOU HAVE ANY CHARACTER QUESTIONS GO BACK TO THE LAST CHAPTER AND ASK THEM. If I get any more, at the end of every chapter I'll, or, they'll answer your questions.

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