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Aria's POV

I've been living with the boys for a while now, I have to admit I really do love being with them but I think i'm ready to branch out on my own. All of the boys were downstairs so I decided to go break the news to them. I walked down the stairs nervously and they all looked at me. Jonah stood up and walked over to me.

Jonah- Hey baby, you ok?

I slowly nodded and walked to the center of the seating area where they were all sitting. Jonah sat back down on the couch and looked at me.

Aria- So I have something to tell you guys..
Jonah- Is everything alright?
Aria- Yeah... I just wanna start by saying that I love you all so much. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you all. Thank you so much for letting me stay here, and taking me in as one of your own...
Daniel- Are you leaving?
Aria- No.. yes.. Kinda
Zach- Where are you going?
Aria- I thought that its a bit troublesome for you all to have me here so i've been apartment searching
Corbyn- Oh
Aria- I found one about 5 minuets away that I really like....
Jack- I'm happy for you
Aria- Y-You guys aren't mad?
Daniel- Of course not, we are so excited for you
Zach- Yeah... we will come visit like everyday
Jack- That is going to happen... you don't get a choice
Corbyn- Are you gonna need any help?
Aria- I-If you guys don't mind.... yeah I will
Jack- Of course we will help you!

As the boys started talking about how excited they are I couldn't help but look over at Jonah. He was looking down at his hands with little water drops on them. My heart broke in two..

Jonah- I-I'm gonna go get some air

With that he stood up and quickly walked outside with his head hanging. The boys all looked at him then at me. I swiftly walked outside and stood behind him. I wrapped my small arms around his torso and spoke softly.

Aria- Are you mad at me?
Jonah- No
Aria- Are you upset with me?

He stayed quiet and I just hugged him tighter

Aria- I'm sorry Jonah

He continued not to say anything. I felt myself start to tear up and I wiped my eyes quickly.

Aria- I disappointed you didn't I?
Jonah- No Ari.. you didn't

I quickly stood in front of him and wiped the tears from his face

Aria- If I didn't make you mad, upset you or disappoint you.. why are you crying?
Jonah- I'm proud of you

I look up at him with a confused expression on my face.

Aria- Proud?
Jonah- Yes Ari.. I'm proud of you. When I first saw you, you had no intention of talking to anyone... you gave me a chance, and you gave my friends a chance. When I first brought you home you were so quiet and introverted.... now whenever you walk into a room you make sure everyone knows that you are there. You've grown so much as a person, I couldn't be more proud of you

His tears dripped onto my cheeks mixing with my own tears. I hugged him tightly and he hugged back.

Jonah- I'm so extremely happy for you. You are my everything Aria.. I'm so happy that everything is working out for you
Aria- Shut up and kiss me

He slightly laughed while he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine. He cupped my cheeks with his hands while I put my hands on top of his. I heard faint cheers from the boys inside but I didn't care. The only thing that mattered right now was him. Nothing could ruin this moment.

AW WASN'T THAT CUTE? I would just like to say I'M BACK BITCHHESSS. I took a break from writing.... again! oops? But i'm back.. I had time to brainstorm.. and I'm here... I hope you liked it!

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