Catastrophe {EP-1}

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Panic and chaos. Gotham had been there before but nothing like this. This was new for everyone. Yeah, there had been riots, there had been protests, there had been asylum outbreaks in the past, but this, this was involving the entire city. Even across the rivers, the hills and manor houses were crumbling and massive craters and crevices were swallowing them and replacing them.
The cause? No one knew, at least not yet. But this was the present and the now, and this was what people were having to deal with.

"I want every single officer out there, get people to boats as quickly as possible, children and the elderly first, also pets and anyone with a disability!" He yelled to a large group of men, their building had crumbled around where they stood but they were the GCPD, they had been through a lot, they didn't need a building in order to help people. "Bullock, she's not answering!" A voice yelled at him as the male continuously rang his mobile. Bullock hopped off of the stand and headed over as the men dispersed into the crumbling streets.
"Jim, she'll be fine, she'll find a way to call you, don't worry about it." He reassured him and Gordon nodded in response, taking a deep breath as he also began to help rally their troops, all of the GCPD, on and off duty, headed out to evacuate the city as efficiently and safely as they could.
Not everyone rushed to leave, some took advantage of the chaos, looters and the less wealthy were increasing the chaos. The mob families weren't interested in leaving Gotham, they wanted the remains, even while the earth was moving they were there trying to capture land and territory from people that were leaving. The city wasn't any place to stay, but people were being stuck, stranded and abandoned. The wealthy were the first to get out, anybody who wore a suit or could afford a fast car were the ones to get out in air vehicles or by sea vehicles.
Then it was large families, disabled, the elderly and orphans. All were evacuated surprisingly quite quickly, even hospitals were evacuated with speed, using air transport and such, at least Gotham's money supply was being used well, at least at this stage.

Then there was the asylum. It was the reason Hatter was on the streets. It must have been hours before the earthquake, the Asylum was opened and the inmates were set free, no matter their security level or whereabouts in the asylum they were. Staff were trapped in sections, some inmates refused to leave and sought shelter within the asylum since it was the only world they knew. Each villain had their own plans and ideas, and there would be conflict in the future, however, for now they were moving, find places in the crumbling city where they could lay low.

Grayson, Babs and Jase were all helping civilians, Gray was in his Nightwing outfit doing so, making sure people got out of the city. The army was there setting up blockades, dropping in medical supplies and airlifting people to safety. 

The city was mostly evacuated, hundreds were confirmed dead, thousands were missing and hundreds confirmed safe. It had been a stressful day, from a simple Mad Hatter encounter to the entire city almost getting levelled, but it was getting worse. A lot of people were still in Gotham, trapped, hiding etc.
The GCPD had stayed behind, and it was clear that the remains of Gotham had no control, the mob were patrolling the street, the GCPD, including Barbara, Jason and a small town's worth of civilians were trapped inside the GCPD precinct, with mob patrols causing more chaos. There hadn't been a quake in 30 minutes, and it was looking like it was the last of the shakes. The past 3 to 4 hadn't caused any damage and seemed to be getting less and less violent. Grayson was on top of the precinct, he was the only vigilante that they had, there had been rumours of the past year or so of metahumans being spotted, but he always assumed it would be too good to be true, he never caught a sign of any still existing. He had always stayed on the good side of the GCPD, and they were allowing him to use their equipment. The precinct, along with his apartment were the only bases he had, Barbara's armour was mangled and in the process of being repaired, though she wasn't sure how in the world she'd be able to wear it and help out while being so close to her father.
He was sat on the edge of the building, the boats had stopped evacuating and no air vehicles had been seen since the last tremor, he was scanning news channels and trying to get some information on what was happening outside of Gotham. That was when the news hit.
"Gotham Abandoned"
"Disaster City Deserted"
The US President was announcing that they had come to the conclusion to leave Gotham to fend for itself. People were rioting in DC, throwing whatever they had in their hands at him. They wanted to help, but the military had zero control without presidential permission and they were keeping civilians away from the outskirts of the city. Nightwing broadcasted the news through the GCPD, they had a right to know they were being left behind.
"I know that what we watched was shocking. I know that Gotham has gone form a bustling Metropolis to a chaotic war zone. But here, you are safe." Gordan spoke in front of everyone that was in the precinct, his voice being projected through the speakers since the building was packed full, people sleeping in cells.
"It will take time, but we will take back Gotham, and prove that we belong here and a part of the United States. Outside these walls will be known as No Man's Land!"

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