Dragon's Heir {EP-3}

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"It's time for you to fly" The voice was low and dark, his hand placed on top of the boy's head as he knelt below him. The shorter male rose slowly, a hood covering his eyes, he looked at his mentor and nodded, turning away and leaving into the shadows.

Now here's the situation with Jim Gordon, at the age of 18 he was told that he would never have children, and then at the age of 21 he decided that he would adopt a little girl, who was abandoned and left alone when she was a child. Now, she was all grown up, typing away on a database that was created for incidents like this, a subwave network for the supporters of Gotham to access and communicate through, most killed during the tremors, most that were alive were smaller people with less power, middle-class workers who had a direct link to the GCPD while there were still certain sections of electricity. They had set up shop inside a hospital, informing the GCPD of anyone that came through, and of course, there were plenty. She had been logging the last known locations of multiple rogues, with the help of Wing, obviously.
"Obviously" He snickered, sat with Jason, out of costume in one of the GCPD locker rooms. None of the cops had clicked onto his identity, and if they had then they didn't care.
"No, not obviously, I think she likes girls" Jason replied and looked over at him, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"You don't know if you don't ask, J"
"How 'bout we continue on costume ideas?" He teased, knowing what the answer would be.
"No! I ain't having you get yourself into the same shitty situation that I'm in."
"Alright alright chill" The blonde rolled his eyes typically at the boy and nodded.

"Someone's broken in here" The commissioner yelled the Bullock, the window was open and all of the files on The Bat, Nightwing, and all known allies were gone, stolen, he was only gone for a brief few seconds before he had returned to find the office ransacked. The rain crashed through the window, and there was no immediate evidence left behind, Gordon headed over and looked out over the city, groaning a little in frustration. "It's just papers Jim, we have more important issues." Bullock reassured him and the two headed off. Sat n the edge of a neon sign that was barely lit and flickering in the glum greyness if Gotham's skyline, the hooded figure scanned through the papers, his face covered by the cowl he wore, logging all of the information he could that he had stolen from the GCPD. Hearing screams in the distance, he stood and reached for his sword before leaping down to investigate. He saw the male lurch over the woman and he leaped at him with a forearm to him, smashing him to the floor. Dragging the sword along the floor, the man cowered and then with one quick slice, his head was removed from the rest of his body, a smirk on the cowled figure's lips. Booted footsteps walking through the puddles of water as he approached the girl who was trying to regain herself, she was about to say thank you when he pressed the sword to her jaw and made a shushing sound.
"Tell me, where can I find Nightwing?"

"In the clocktower?" Babs suggested to him with a simple shrug.
"Are you sure? It's quite the trip." NW replied and watched the ginger pack her things away.
"It'll be a fine walk with my two guardian angels." She replied teasingly and kissed Jason's cheek before planting a kiss on Grayson's lips quickly before her father walked in.
"I'm grateful you're doing this Nightwing." Gordon said to him, they were planning on getting Babs set up in the clocktower apartment, the place that she and her father had lived before she went to the university since that was the safest place, especially if she wanted to work on repairing her armor too. They finished up packing her things away and headed out, Jason went on foot with her while NW went in the air, scaling and free running on buildings and debris, keeping an eye out and scanning areas. There was suddenly a large explosion, multiple people yelling and screaming from that direction, Jason was tense, pointing his gun in the direction the people were running from. "I can handle this Babs, go with Gray." Jason said and headed through the people, moving them to safety, Babs wanted to stop and help, but she couldn't risk losing her eyes in the sky with Nightwing, she had no idea who could be a few streets away, and she was in no condition to fight a rogue, not without her armor.
Grayson checked on Babs, leaving Jason to sort it, since they had arranged a location to meet up in case they got torn apart.
Babs couldn't remember the last time it was bright outside, she pulled out her flashlight, holding it in her mouth as she dug around for her stun gun and wingdings, keeping them close as she walked through the pitch black darkness.
Gray had still been leading her, but he had a bad feeling, and it had started as soon as they had left the asylum, the feeling of being watched by someone, always in the corner of his eye but never there when he looked.
"Almost there, I'm gonna cut though this alleyway Grayson." She spoke to him through her earpiece.
"Alright, I'll be on the other s-" He was cut off as a shuriken flew past his head, he didn't have much time to react, more were being launched at him, his body twisting and turning on the rooftop as he dodged every single one, a few getting very close to clipping him. The cowled figure dropped opposite him, the sword with blood stains on it was trailing behind him, he was roughly the same size as NW in height, however, NW was much stockier and broader.
"These notes, unfortunately, don't tell me a whole lot about you. Apprentice. Sidekick. Witty. Sarcastic. Orphan.  You sound like quite the little bitch, who's bending you over at the moment?" The figure asked, a cocky tone to his words, tongue running over his lips.
"Grayson what's happenin-" Something took Babs off of her feet, tackling her while grunting and sniffling, her hands tried to push it off of her, squirming as she slipped her leg beneath them and launched it off with her foot, shining the light on the half naked scarred body of Victor Zsasz, laughing and grunting to himself, holding a sickle in his hand and licking his lips.

"And who exactly are you small fry?" Gray taunted him, placing his hands on his hips.
"Someone who's gonna teach you a lesson, not to let family die." He said quite simply and walked towards him, starting to get pumped with adrenaline, taking out a few more shurikens.

Her earpiece had fallen into a small puddle of water during the tackle, she took a fighting stance and watched zsasz lurk and lurch around her in the alleyway, he was almost shaking with excitement, the thought of adding another scar, he had so many fresh ones since escaping Arkham. "You're a pretty one." His slimy words left his lips, his back arched and hands crooked around the weapon.
"Pity you ain't" She said and launched a kick at him, following it up with blows to his arm, trying to disarm him, he retaliated by swiping the sickle around, slicing some of her shirt at the stomach, barely missing her skin with the sharp edge.

"And which family would that be? The Addams family?" He asked sarcastically, referring to the male's outfit which resembled a ninja but could very much be mistaken for Wednesday Addam's onesie.
"The Wayne Family." his attitude had completely changed as the male leaped at Nightwing violently rolling over to then launch the projectiles, but NW was quick though not quick enough to dodge all, one flew past his head and clipped his ear, taking a small chunk off, causing him to naturally wince. "The Wayne family name huh? And who does that make you, some fan?"
"You could call me that, how about relative...?" He asked with a clear snide smirk.
There's no way he could be serious. NW leapt and the two struggled for dominance against each other, the younger was throwing punches into Grayson's armor, they hurt like fuck but no serious damage to be done. Gray grabbed the cowl and tore it away, revealing the boy's face, they looked to be almost the same age, maybe the other was perhaps a few years younger, no he definitely was now that there was a helicopter with a searchlight shining on them. News reporters, nothing better to do than to feed off of other people misery. There was smoke coming from somewhere, where? He had no idea but the Wayne backed off into it, vanishing from Grayson.
Who was he? What did he want with Nightwing? Where the hell was Babs?

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