Amalgamation {EP-4}

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"Sir, if we can push back the criminal forces, we can activate Quincy's protocol and take back Gotham, we don't have the residential accommodations to house Gothamites elsewhere, we need to rescue as much of that city as we can."
"Agreed, we'll mock up a plan tonight, the new president is due to make a speech alerting everyone about the plans we have and how long it should take."
"God help him"
The crowds were rowdy, riots all over the states. #justice4gotham had been trending ever since the tremors hit, the whole world was praying, praying and watching.
"So explain to me why you didn't just talk to Calander Man instead of getting shot at by a pissed off teen fuckboy?" Jason asked and crossed his arms over his chest, looking st Grayson and Babs, who were sat on the sofa of the clocktower.
"Because I realized that he's been stuck in the asylum since the tremors hit, if he knows anything then I can't imagine it's gonna be of any use to us."
"Alright that's fair" He replied to the boy.
The radio was static but had tuned into a presidential speech, of course their TV didn't work, it was rare to find one in the city that did work. His voice wasn't American however, someone new had been elected. He sounded German perhaps, or Scandinavian, but his tone of voice was strong and powerful, masculine and demanding, and the way he explained their plans made it seem like he knew what he was doing and believed in it. "Well, seems like they're not gonna try and take back the entire city." Jase leaned his head on the arm of the sofa as he sprawled out on it, throwing his legs over their laps. "We should see if we can help, push as many criminals and gangs as possible into one area of the city, one district even." Babs said and nodded small, liking the idea as did the guys. "But, where do we begin? I guess we should leave Oz and wherever Penguin is right where they are." She started to go through the list and that's when Grayson nodded. "Falcone, he has thugs everywhere, he and Black Mask are just outside where we need them to be, and no one's heard from Falcone in a few days." He sighed and stood up, stretching, they got some rest before heading out the following day. The days were always grey, grey and wet as if there was a permanent storm cloud hanging over Gotham and covering it in thick rain droplets 24/7.
 Jason and Babs stayed at the clocktower, working on some armor upgrades for her and finally working on some armor for Jason to wear, altering his bulletproof vest. NW was perched above the meat factories that were a few blocks away from The Narrows, where Sionis was. Something wasn't right, a lot of Falcones men were lying dead on the floor by the factory entrances, blood pools surrounding them. He swung across to the roof of the building, frowning as he heard a squealing, it sounded like a pig but not quite, he lifting the skylight hatch and looked down, dead mobsters everywhere, naked, their clothes in ruins in the corner of the room. His lips had parted, there was some kind of ritual happening, whatever NW had stumbled upon, he was far too late to stop anything. He climbed through the window to get a little closer, to see the view. Who would manage to defeat Falcone in a gang war? A surprise apparently, someone no one would expect. Pyg.

Gray was way too late, whatever they had planned, they had managed it. "Babs, I need you to log that Pyg and his farmhands have taken the factory district, Falcone is... well, no longer breathing, I don't think." He said and gulped, looking at what was left of Falcone. His body was almost spread eagle, which was funny in a sick way when he thought about it, since there was something on his head, sewn into his collarbone, shoulders and shoulder blades. It appeared to be different patches and sewn colors of feathered bird skin, all forming this rough Falcone head shape, even a beak made out of some kind of bone. Grayson scanned Carmine's body, it was clear he wasn't breathing, possibly died from shock. Pyg and his farmhands have gathered around, chanting some words, sounded like a nursery rhyme of some kind. "We need to push them into the back factories, any ideas?" He asked and sat on the upper roof supports.
"Come back later I say" He could hear Jason say, making Gray smile and roll his eyes.
"See if you can close the front entrances, then we'll work on a way to push them back while you deal with Black Mask." She said, since that was the next location on Gray's list.
"Wonderful, I've been waiting to give Sionis a house call." He said and climbed back through the skylight of the factory.
The floor began to rumble and shake, the walls joined them. "Get under a doorway or table!" Gordon demanded, Bullock scurrying over. "Sir, did you see the reports?!" He yelled back over to Jim as they held onto what they could. "Yeah, we'll deal with it!"
If the protocol went forward, they would be trapped inside the zone, they would have some water advantage, but be trapped inside whatever the government had planned.
"Jason, grab something!" Babs called over to him, she hooked her arm around his and grasped some grips on the walls, placed there conveniently for situations like this, he reached out to hook his arm and grasped at the desk. "Well shit, here we go." He muttered and groaned.

It soon stopped, not as bad as the one before, there was an eery silence that soon followed it and Grayson got himself stable "Aftershock?"
"Yeah, it felt like it" Babs replied, running a hand through her ginger locks, looking at Jason who was already cracking open a beer, standing and looking out the large clock face that gave a view of the Gotham skyline.
"I'm heading to the Narrows now, Sionis and his goons should be there, if we can push them out, then the GCPD and military can make contact via boats." He explained and of course Barbara agreed to the idea, hacking into as many remaining cameras as she could, giving him call outs and locations as he used stealth to thin out the guards that surrounded Black Mask's dockyard compound, he had used shipping containers as defenses, using them as walls and entryways, and then he himself had taken up a nice hiding spot at the top of the old Gotham Oil rig, it had been abandoned for years. The office at the top was well protected, though with the rain that never seemed to ease off, it was almost too easy for Grayson to navigate to the top of the structure, never entering combat and just using stealth tactics to take out any guards.
"You might wanna ask your father to send some people to collect Falcone's body, just make sure they're careful Pyg isn't still lurking with his farmhands."

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