The Killing Joke {EP-6}

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"There, put his body into it." Harley demanded, she was annoyed that Freeze had got away, he had vanished and gone into hiding now that he had dealt with the clown problem he had. The men hauled Joker's body slowly into the waters and let go, letting him go beneath the surface. "Harley, stop right there, right fuckin' now!"  Jason demanded as he entered the room, cops joining him from different other entrances to the Lazarus Pit, surrounding her men.
"You're too late!" Harley screeched out "Where's good ole Gord- OH YES, that's right, laying on a slab."
Slowly from behind Jason, Batgirl wandered through, her helmet not on. "No way, no way are you his daughter?! What a coincidence !" She said and made an exaggerated gasping sound. "Cliche!" She screamed after and ran at Batgirl with her hammer, Batgirl wasn't intimidated though, charging straight back at her with her bare fists once tossing aside her gauntlets.

There was nothing Grayson could do, he had to let them fight it out, one of them would lose, he just hoped it was Harley. Nightwing scaled the upper areas of the room, well, the tomb. He was trying to get to the Lazarus Pit while the two girls were throwing punches. Cops and criminals were standing and waiting with guns to each other, waiting to see who won the central fight as if it was some kind of main event.
He looked down at the pit and the bubbling grinning body of the joker. He managed to sneak along the back area through the shadows, reaching in and trying to pull the corpse out before the Pit could do its work, but two large blue lights shot out; they were blinding lights that halted all of the fighting. The room filled with the light which turned from blue to a pure white and blinded everyone in there. As it slowly faded, Nightwing looked up, eyes wide as there stood Joker, soaking wet in fluids and looked 2o years younger, his face repaired, hair brighter and cleaner than ever, skin a pearly white instead of the stained cream colour it had once been.
"Kill." Was all he said and he raised his hand, laughing maniacally as his men opened fire, Quinn took down Batgirl, Jason took a bullet to the leg which knocked him down onto his knees.
"Don't even try it bird boy." He warned Gray not to move, turning and pressing a gun to the boy's armored chest and firing, knocking him down with the shot. "Hardest point in the armor, just like his old man, should keep him out for a while. Now then, Harley my dear, send our boys after whichever cops managed to flee that little surprise massacre and get a few to carry poor little... Jason? Jason is it? Yes, Jason. Get them to carry Jason, and Gordon Jr. and of course my pretty little birdy. We're gonna look at the morning horizon."
After finding out she was Gordon's daughter, there was no other option but the clock tower.

They hauled them up there, Jason putting up a fight and Babs had given up, she had stopped fighting, stopped caring, she had lost. Grayson's unconscious body was hauled over one man's shoulder and soon they arrived at the apartment where Babs and Gordon lived, the same place she had hidden her identity from him. Grayson began to stir as he was dumped on the floor, surrounded by men with guns, as were the other two. Harley was lurking around in the corner, licking the blood from her fingertips before walking over to join Joker by the presentation area.
"Now then kiddos, you've all caused quite some issues for me over the years, but today, well today I died and came back, and I feel fresh and new again, like a baby, a very pale baby, an albino baby." He said with a big grin. "So what we're gonna do is simple-"
Babs grabbed the gun from Joker's holster, and without hesitation, she pulled the trigger.
The bullet left the barrel of the gun, and hit Harley, who died instantly on impact. The gun was dropped and Babs was hit multiple times with the butts of rifles.
"You feisty little bitch, holy fuck" Joker said and looked at his girlfriend's corpse. The bullet had also ricocheted from somewhere in the apartment and the remains had gone through the large clock tower face, causing gusts of wind to enter the apartment. Outside were news helicopters and Chinooks carrying large portable structures, dropping them around a sectioned off area.
"Looks like they're prepping for something big out there." Joker said and licked the end of the gun Babs' had fired. "Well... any last words...?" He asked her as his men stood her up.
She looked down at Grayson "I slept with him." She said plainly, as if her soul was empty and lost, and then looked at Jason.
Nightwing swallowed hard and shook his head a little "N-no... no you didn't..."
Jason stayed quiet through it all, watching as Babs' was stood at the broken clock face.
"Trust me, you won't survive the fall darlin'" Joker said and the gun went off, her body fell out of the building, the bullet went straight through her head.
Both boys screamed and fought away the thugs but there were too many, beaten back down violently.
"You've lost, and the world is watching, they just watched poor little Batgirl's head explode... all over the nation!" He howled with laughter and kicked Harley's body off of the edge. "Pretty boy next, the one I don't like." He spoke and they hauled Jason over.
"I don't think you're gonna survive the landing either, but I'm giving you a chance."
Nightwing looked down and the second bullet went off, Jason's body fell out of the window.

His eyes were teary and his breathing was hitching, he was dragged over too. "Alright, now I'm gonna give you a shot in the same place as your friend, and hope you survive the fall, because we have unfinished work together, but I can't disappoint the viewers." He said and nodded at the helicopters that were broadcasting. The gun pressed into the gap in Nightwing's armor and went off, his body fell back and the view of joker slowly got smaller and dimmer and then his body landed in the murky flooded streets of Gotham,

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