Headliner {EP-4, End of Arc One}

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Crawling through a vent, barely, he slipped out the end and dropped into the back of the office where he expected to find Falcone creeping around and enjoying himself, he searched around the upper office rooms, most were empty, completely empty, everything had been removed and that included all types of furniture, even useless pieces of paper.

He then heard someone barking an order, "C'mon fellas, everything can be sold here now, everything is precious!" Sionis was in the process of forcing some thugs to carry a desk down a spiral staircase on the Oil Rig, they were transporting goods from the Oil Rig down to the cranes so they could move them onto the dockyard and then sell them anyone that was desperate for furniture, shelter, food and such. A lot of the guards were armed but not as much as Falcone's men , who had seemed to all joined other gangs as soon as they found out about their esteemed leader. A lot actually went to the Cobblepots to boost numbers after a lot of them were shaken after their encounter with Batgirl on the Strip.
"Fuckin' lazy bastards!" He barked loud and kicked one, forcing him and the furniture he had on his back down the stairs, crushing him but semi-effectively moving what they needed. NW crawled along the railings and stayed close to them, making sure the shadows were on his side, he slipped out his Escrima stick, extending it so a third of it's length was added before he changed to ricochet tips and threw it, it hit multiple surfaces quickly, knocking out lights and making the guards panic, especially since they were a little nervous after the aftershock tremors. Despite knocking out several lights, his Escrima stick was noticed by Sionis, "Hah, it's the little Boy Wonder", Grayson hated that name, given to him by the newspapers back in his early years when his under-armor was labeled 'pixie pants'. "Guys, don't threat, I've heard Nightwing has been going soft, can't live up to the former glory of his daddy" Sionis loved taunting his foes, and if he got the chance then he'd make sure his bite was as bad as his bark.
"You're surrounded Sionis, I didn't come alone!" Grayson called out, a voice changer of course, he usually always used a voice changer on Rogues that he didn't like to mess around with. A lot of them considered crime a game, and every time they break free from captivity was like a respawn, but Sionis, he was a tricky one, he would always slip away, just like Oz had previously.
"And what if that sounds like bullshit?! Who the hell would you bring here?!" He called back out.
 "Friends" was all Nightwing replied with, he activated the other Escrima stick and it expanded out, almost the size of a full-length staff, of course the other stick would have provided the other end but this would make do, his spare was in the clocktower.
He tossed a small disrupter grenade down the stairs, it took out the remaining lights and would set off any guns, if someone was holding a gun, or had one on their person, it was now firing, apart from Sionis', but he didn't know why, it seemed custom made, a pure white and gold desert eagle pistol with a modded magazine, though it wouldn't help him, one dude with a gun was better than however many were on the stairs, trying to hold up hundreds of pounds of furniture and making sure their guns didn't shoot them in the legs.
Sionis opened fire, he was the only man that could, the rest having clear performance issues, his bullets hitting the barrier that Nightwing was behind, or at least was behind.
In the sudden commotion of Assault Rifles and Pistols going off, he had clambered onto the ceiling, using the magnets in his boots and gloves to scale the walls, much like a spider ( :) ), scaling above Roman Sionis and his men, who had no idea that Nightwing had moved, as soon as he noticed though he headed straight through the offices. Grayson dropped a smoke bomb and landed between the guards, bullets flying everywhere, sofas and desks crashing down the stairs, along with their bodies, the guns being dismantled once the magazines were empty.

"Alright Sionis, I warned you, I gave you a fair shot..."
"A fair shot? Against you?! I don't need one." He said with blind confidence. Nightwing pulled out one of his batarangs, activating the taser on it, he was crouched behind a remaining closet, Sionis was by the large windows that looked over the oil rig and the dockyard compound he had created. There was a slow soft rumbling that shook the rigging, Grayson taking a rough guess that it was some more aftershocks, but he wasn't going to let Black Mask escape because of it.
Babs and Jason felt it too, both standing and heading over to the Clock face, eyes wide when they realized what it was, it wasn't an aftershock, it was too light to be an aftershock after the earthquake tremors they had previously experienced, it was something that would clean Gotham out. "Dick! You need to get out of there right now!" Her voice was static, typing away on the computers to try and send him visual messages that would appear in his visor, they were coming through as static and messes, blurring his vision, so naturally he turned it off, focussing on Sionis who had frozen still, eyes wide beneath the ebony black mask he wore on his face, staring at one of the windows directly behind where Grayson was hiding. Richard stood slowly "I scare you that much huh?" He asked with a smirk, holding the tasered Batarang, Roman replied by just pointing behind the boy.
As Nightwing turned, to his horror he now understood the messages and Roman's fright, there was a wall of water heading right towards them, a tsunami going right towards Gotham. His breathing obviously picked up, grabbing his grapnel gun, he threw the Batarang past Sionis, there was no way he was going to save every life on this rig, maybe some would survive, but if he could save just one and then come back for the rest after. The gadget smashed the window, Sionis was frozen as Grayson tackled him and held onto him, the two falling as the water smashed against the rig, taking it down like it was a pile of matchsticks, the two using the grapnel gun to barely go faster than it. Black Mask was losing his grip and the weight of them was too much, Grayson let go of the grapnel and the water wall swallowed them up, his vitals in his suit instantly going offline as he smashed into objects, losing Sionis in the mayhem. He hit the corners of buildings and cars, lampposts and bridges. Everyone who was smart had hidden inside the buildings, a lot of them withstood the initial hit of the water wall, even the clocktower, and it was a plain convenience that The Strip had barely been hit. Freeze took advantage, turning the wall into ice around the Power Plant, using it as protection against anyone that wanted to come in, and water of course that followed. Ivy used plant walls to keep out as much as she could, her large barks keeping her dry, the farmland she had was ruined though, forced to start fresh.
"His vitals are offline, I can't track him, I don't know where he is!" Babs panicked, typing away before throwing her keyboard in a fit of rage, running over to her armor, Jason had already begun to change into his body armor, grabbing a diving kit that was in the process of being modified for Nightwing's suit evidently too late. The wall had passed and a layer of water remained in its path of destruction, which stood anywhere from 3 to 10ft high, depending on the district. The GCPD in the asylum hadn't been hit but they witnessed the entire happening, losing a lot of men that were out there at the time.
Helicopters were above, trying to drop supplies like rafts and dingheys down to any survivors, ignoring the GCPD in the asylum though. One man who was inside a chopper, a tag on his shirt that had the name 'Forbes' on it, was in charge of the whole operation, and he was the one who would intiate Project 'Arkham City'.

"Hey kid, bet you didn't think you'd see little old me again huh?" His voice, his raspy croaking voice, despite being so hoarse, he was of course familiar. "Such a rude boy, wakey wakey!!" A hand hit Grayson's face, it was boney and long, scratches followed the slap, leaving cuts on the boy's face. He couldn't see anything, wherever he was he was alive and he was cold, and he was with him, The Crooked One. There had been rumblings around the GCPD that he was still alive, that he wasn't killed during The Crisis like everyone claimed and like The Bat had claimed before death. He small chuckles as he pottered around, he could feel a draft on his bare skin, Grayson was naked, bound to something, a chair perhaps, he wasn't sure. "Ya know, you're quite the Boy Wonder huh" He said in a sly tone, making an innuendo about the boy's naked state. "My girl's gonna have a lot of fun playing with you while you heal up" He spoke and a high pitched maniacal laugh followed, not his, her's.
"The world is fucked Boy Wonder, Gotham ravaged by disaster." He said and began to lightly laugh.
" A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed, that's of course your pretty little face. A candle flickered into life, yes, you again, a symbol of hope for millions, or at least the ones still alive. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. And then I laughed and blew it out." He burst into laughs and with the final word he tore away the eyemask so that Grayson could see, and there he was. "Did you miss me?"
The Joker.

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