War of Jokes and Ice Cream {EP-6}

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Freeze's men were stood outside the main entrance to the carnival theme park. "Nora... you murdered her, in front of me!" Freeze roared out to Joker who was cowering behind some cover, giggling a little. "Heh heh, she was a goner anyways Vic!" He called back out, watching as Harley loaded her gun, bullet by bullet.
"You're going to pay for what you've done clown." One member of Freeze's crew called out. Freeze didn't have a lot of men, but that was because Joker, in the small amount of time he had resurfaced, had managed to recruit a bunch of Falcone's men who has scampered after the Pyg incident.
"Son, I didn't come alone. I'd like to introduce you to a very important woman." Oswald said to Oz, turning to look back at the helicopter, an elderly looking blonde woman climbed out.
"Greta, Greta Falcone." She said and walked over, holding her hand out, shaking Oz', wanting to introduce herself.
"Greta and Myself are here to help you son, you've held down the fort pretty well, but Gotham needs to be rebuilt and re-formed, we can do that with the Falcones."
"Uh, dad, the Falc- uh I mean... Mr Falcone, he's dead." Oz stuttered out, unsure as to how Greta, Carmine's sister, would take the news.

Grayson was getting closer and closer to the clock tower, not knowing that no one would be in there, both Babs and Jason were out looking for him. He waded through water, after managing to patch up his ribs with makeshift clothing bandages, he stopped briefly to check out his ear. Whatever that stuff was, there's no way Joker could get his hands on it.

"Here sir, we found it, we found The Pit." A thug approached Joker, passing him a tourist map with directions on to the location. "Okay Okay, we need to hold off the snowman long enough" J yelled out to him, the gunfire was loud as bullets shot past them.
"Nobody kills the clown! He's mine!" Victor roared, making sure his men heard. They were pushing back Joker's clan of makeshift soldier's, J got the idea to lead Freeze to the big top, the tent in the center of the circus that was there from the carnival. Most of Amusement Mile had been hit by water, but it wasn't the brunt force, more of the drizzle at the end.

Her hand came into contact with Oz' face as she tried to contain herself, Oswald not stopping her. "It's fine, get some of your men to search for this fucking Piggy Man." She demanded to Oswald, prodding her bony fingers against his chest, just to show she wasn't messing around, obviously.
"It wasn't too far from your sewer base Mr Joker Sir!" He explained and looked over the map with him, they had been pushed back even more by Freeze's henchmen and were backing up, making sure to stay behind cover. Harley had an LMG, trying to lay down some suppressing fire for their men to keep retreating. Joker went with the man to a sewer entrance, taking his gun from him and the map and beginning to climb down. "Wait for me!" Harl said and skipped over, climbing down after him, the two on the ladder as Joker headed further in, following the smell.
There was suddenly a low growling sound and a rumbling beneath them, the ladder shaking.

"You shouldn't be here clown" There was a low bellowing voice that echoed the tunnels, Joker's eyes widening and a few nervous giggles escaping his lips. He looked up at Quinn, getting a full view of her rear, slapping her ass "Back up, c'mon, there's uh... possibly some reptiles down here that have yet to be fumed out." He said, almost climbing over her as he clambered back up to the surface. She grunted as he stepped on her head to push himself back up out of the manhole, brushing himself down he turned and froze in position. No seriously, he froze, his whole body froze completely solid. Freeze moved forward, they had won the firefight and now he had the frozen clown right where he could see him. Harley stayed on the ladder, unable to go up and unable to go down, her lips parted as she watched, unsure if her lover was about to be killed or not, and then she got her answer. A gunshot.

He could hear gunfire on the streets in the distance, nothing he could do about it now though, he was so close to the clocktower, wading through waist-high water, he'd was definitely going to need some antibiotics after this. He got there, clambering through the rubble entrance, he had no idea how the elevator was still working, but he wasn't risking it, he didn't get this far to get screwed over by something as mediocre as an elevator, he at least wanted to die in style. He slowly made his descent up the tower via the stairwell, it was a long climb but one he had made many times when sneaking to meet Babs before the quake.
"The clown is dead!" Freeze's men cheered and raising their guns, not many of them left.
"Take his body to the GCPD, they can have him." Victor said and spat down on the frozen corpse that was now on the floor. He had shot joker straight in the forehead, it didn't shatter his body, since the ice was thick and dense, the bullet lodged in there somewhere between his eyes. His men grabbed the body and hauled it towards Arkham, Freeze heading back to his power plant alone. She needed to get that body back, she knew how to fix everything. Harley clambered up and tried to find as many men as possible, also making sure they were armed and at least moderately dangerous, they were going to follow Freeze's little convoy and make sure the GCPD didn't get to keep his body, the girl was full of vengeance, her eyes dark and fists clenched around the handle of her gun.

"Hey there" Grayson spoke softly, his voice a little raspy, his clothes ripped and damp from the journey through the city.
Her eyes widened, she didn't need to reply, she sprinted over to him and leapt, clinging to the boy like a koala. Behind them stood at the entrance that Grayson had came through was Jason, his eyes meeting with hers.

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