Containment {EP-6}

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"They've got him in there, my puddin'!" She growled softly as she stood at the end of the bridge, looking over Arkham Asylum. "We fought for years to stay out of that shithole, I won't let them bury him there."
Behind her was a whole battalion of men, ready to storm the Asylum and retrieve the Joker's body. Gordon was in one of the watchtowers, a walkie-talkie in one hand and his gun in the other. "We've got Quinn and her men incoming, Bullock, get the snipers on point, we can't let her get that body!" He had seen a lot in his career, and he knew that gods existed, and while gods existed he was not going to let anything slide, and he wasn't gonna just give over that body.
"Get Nightwing over here, and whoever else we can spare!" He yelled into the walkie.

"Grayson, I'm getting a message from Dad, he needs you, he needs us over at the Asylum." She said, looking at both him and Jason. Jason had just finished repairing some of his battle armor that got damaged during his searching.  "Then we'll do it" Jason responded and grabbed his gun, putting it into his holster and grabbing a few smoke grenades he had swiped from the guards in the Asylum.
By the time Nightwing, Batgirl and Jason had arrived they were too late, Quinn had assaulted Arkham Asylum, of course Batgirl rushed in, wanting to make sure her father was okay and followed closely by the two boys.
Quinn had her men shoot out the towers with the RPGs they had swiped from Falcone's weapon caches, she then advanced forward and they fought through as much GCPD as they had to. She held a leaflet in her hand, the same one that had the mapped out location of The Pit on it.
"Jason, find Harper and get to the armory?" Batgirl called out and he nodded, heading through with his gun pointed up. The civilians that sought refuge with the GCPD had been moved into the cell blocks for safety. Harper had been in the labs, they had messed around with some leftovers from Freeze's cell, and she had spent some time speaking to Calander Man and learning about his new life process and what he had been through in terms of evolution. It wasn't long till she opened a door and was greeted by the end of a gun barrel, eyes wide till she saw it was Jason "alright kid-Rambo chill out!" She laughed and shook her head. "You guys sort out that mess?" She asked, referring to Quinn, shrugging some as she took the gun from him.
"No, Nightwing and Bab- Batgirl are trying to catch up with Gordon and Bullock, following a trail of corpses, warm corpses." explaining to her was easy since she was so chilled out now after being comfortable in there for some time. 

"Your 2 o' clock!" He called out since she was ahead, sprinting as if she had blinkers on, throwing a gadget carelessly in the direction of a Quinn footsoldier, it landed on his gun and caused the gun to explode in his face. Nightwing caught up but they both halted as they arrived at the morgue. They were too late.

Quinn was hauling the body with her remaining men, they hadn't killed all of the GCPD cops, injured the majority, now all they needed to do was drag The Joker's frozen corpse down beneath the city to the location of The Pit. She had been hit a few times by grenade shrapnel and skimmed by bullets, but it was enough for her to keep on going, carrying him down into one of the subway entrances that had avoided flooding for the most part, and had a maintenance tunnel close to the destination.
His body laid on the table where Joker's had been, and on his face was a smile drawn in blood. He was dead, Gordon was dead, Bullock barely hanging on in the corner, his hands on his stomach from where he had been stabbed, sobbing at the sight of his best friend, deceased. Babs slowly removed her helmet and dropped to her knees, breaking down. Grayson knew he needed to be with her, but he had to save Bullock, he headed over and pressed his hands to the wound. "J-Jason..." His voice was shaky as he spoke through the comms. "We need doctors in the morgue... Bullock took a deep stab wound."
"And we need all remaining units in whatever SWAT uniform we have." Babs butted in, her jaw clenched tight along with her fist. "I-m sorry daddy." She said softly to the body and gulped, storming out of the room.

The doctors tended to Bullock, getting him stable. Nightwing was attempting to reason with Babs. "It's not worth it, we could all get killed down there, Quinn had more men, and all we know is that she's in the sewers..."
"Actually Harper used the surveillance system to enhance a photo picked up on camera of the map Harley had, from multiple angles. We know exactly where they are, it's just about getting there... and ending them both." Jason looked over at Babs and the two nodded at each other, both on the same mental wavelength.
"There are better ways of this!" Nightwing argued.
"Try and stop us." She replied simply and the small army of cops marched out across the bridge to avenge their fallen leader.

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