Max and Eleven. (Lumax)

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Sure, they hadn't gotten off to the best start. But after El realised her jealousy was quite unneeded, she realised Max was pretty cool.

The party sat around the Dungeons and Dragons set up, El in Mike's lap as they both read from the binder of notes he had created for the game. They'd have been teased for it before, but it had been so normal after a while that the group became accustomed to it. Three hours in, and the boys were yelling and screaming at each other when a boss attacked the Party. El didn't have the quick thought process for the game, and had probably dealt with enough real life monsters to last her a lifetime, so she sat and watched, occasionally trying to distract Mike or give him directions on what to throw at the party next. But Max was possibly the most skilled fighter of them all. 

"I choose fireball, then I can free Will. Because fire hurts Lucas, Will can heal him." She strategised, earning a cheer from the group and a chaste kiss on the cheek from Lucas, who sat close to her side. El smiled at the couple, subconsciously leaning into Mike's chest a little. She could feel his soft chuckle at the movement reverberate in his chest, making her blush and hide her face further. 

"Wheeler, stop making heart eyes at your girlfriend and keep going!" Dustin yelled in frustration, making the group laugh and making Mike continue.


El stood outside Hawkins High, having finished earlier that day. The air was chilly, but slightly refreshing as it blew against her dark hair and pale skin. She wore Mike's leather jacket, after he'd left it at the cabin the night before. Her lips turned up in a soft smile as she remembered the night before, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of Max's yell. Her eyes quickly widened, as her legs began to run toward the sound. 

Eleven found her friend pushed against the wall by no other than Troy Eastwick. The absolute asshole who tried to hit on El once. 

Max's hands were restrained by his against the wall, his other hand in her red hair and gripping it tightly. His lips were on her neck, creating a dark bruise that made El's blood boil. "Get off me, you fucking dick!" Max snarled. Eleven clenched her fists, running over and pulling him off of her and slamming him into the brick wall. He let out a groan, before he opened his eyes to see her. 

"Hey, baby girl. Nice of you to show up without Wheeler." He smirked. This made the space behind her eyes explode into flames of anger. El's hand gripped the collar of his shirt, throwing it back and making him hit the wall, hard

"Do you know who she is?" El asked Troy, referencing to Max. El was a sweet girl usually, but in times like these, she was gone. This was Eleven he was dealing with.

 Eleven, the vigilante who killed as a child. 

Eleven, the weapon. 

Eleven, the destroyer.

 When he scoffed and shook his head, Eleven pressed him even harder against the brick. "That is my best friend. Her name is Maxine Hargrove, but everyone calls her Mad Max. She's dating Lucas Sinclair, you know, captain of the football team?" Suddenly, Troy's eyes were filled with fear. 

"And I mean, I really don't think she wanted that hickey from you, especially with Lucas as her boyfriend of three years. So, if I were you, I'd have the smart idea of leaving her alone before I tell Sinclair and your ass is toast. But then again, you're not that smart, are ya?" El smirked. 

"W-What if I don't want to?" He tried to retaliate. Eleven and Max burst out laughing. "Let him go, El." Max said, and El did as she was asked. Max grabbed his neck, smirking mischievously. 

"My boyfriend and El's boyfriend get out of class in less than thirty seconds. I'll give you ten to run away, and I tell him you gave me the fucking mark on my neck." Max threatened softly, before Troy gulped nervously. "I'll leave, sorry." He said quickly, before she let the boy go. Troy tripped over himself, before running off toward the exit of school. The girls stayed silent for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. 

Max high fived her friend, grinning and laughing until her stomach hurt. "Did you see his face?!" El exclaimed, usually hating hurting people but he had definitely deserved it. They were a good team. 

A few seconds later, the bell rang in the building, and Lucas and Mike walked outside. Mike grabbed his girlfriend from behind with no warning, making her scream and start laughing. Lucas walked to Max, before realising the dark mark on her porcelain skin had not been made by him. He walked toward her, pointing at the bruise. "Who did this, because I goddamn know it's not one of mine." Lucas asked, almost threateningly. El butt in, her and Mike walking over to the couple with their fingers intertwined. "It was Eastwick, the same guy who hit on me a while ago. He, um, he forced Max against the wall and did that." El explained softly, knowing Lucas would loose his cool. 

"Me and El got it covered, she's a badass, Wheeler." Max smirked with a raised eyebrow. Lucas wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry that happened, Maxxie." He sighed, resting his head in the crook of her neck. Max just smiled, holding him a little tighter. "It's fine, I'm pretty sure he won't be bothering me or El again." She reassured him. 

Lucas smiled a little wider, his dark eyes glimmering. "Good, you know I don't share." He said lowly, making Max laugh softly and roll her eyes. "I knoww, now can we get out of here?" She asked impatiently, looking around to see Mike and El already gone. 

"Lets." Lucas grinned, lifting his girlfriend in a bridal lift. Max laughed, hitting his chest. 

"You're such a nerd!"

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