Part two- Introduction.

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"Aish. What was that?" I questioned as I rub my wrist in attempt to relieve the pain. I stood there for a bit longer before heading back into the dinning room.

I walked over to DK then said; "I'm going to wash up, okay?."

"Okay. Um... Your bags are in the main bedroom I think..."

"You think!?" I exclaimed loudly silencing the table once more. They all looked over to DK and I.

"Dose anyone know where Abby's clothes are?" DK questioned as he stood up.

Embarrassment washed over my face when DK not only said my name but also said that I didn't have my suitcase.

*I mean, it's not that big of a deal, the guys were going to ask for my name eventually, and not having my bag isn't bad either so why am I getting so embarrassed?*

"Oh, I remember seeing it. I think it was in one of the rooms!" Someone from the far side of the table said.

"Really?" I said with a bit of concern and excitement in my voice.

"Why, is there something important in there?" Hoshi questioned with a smirk.

"If you must know, then yes. Something very special."

"We must find it!" Joshua said as he ran out of the room.

"We'll look for your suitcase, if you could please clean up?" S.Coups said as he walked out of the room. I remember hearing his voice from yesterday.

"Okay!?" I started cleaning up when I noticed Hoshi was still in his sit. He was watching me like a hawk.

"Is there really something special in that suitcase of yours?"

"Yes! It's a necklace, that my,-" I didn't want him of all people to know where that necklace come from, so I quickly cut myself off, "why do you care?"

"Oh, a necklace, hey? Answer me this, if you have a, oh so special necklace, why aren't you wearing it?"

"It broke." My voice cracked as the memories started to flow it my head. I could feel the tears start to run down my face.

*I can't let him see me like this.*

I ran out of the room and straight to the first bathroom I saw, slamming the bathroom door behind me. I slid down the door, as the tears flowed.

-Flash back-

"You shut the freakin hell up!?" Chad screamed, as he hit me to the floor.

I looked up at him in fear, as tears ran down my face like a river.

"Please Chad, calm down." I whispered to myself.

Chad grabbed my necklace that I was wearing and pulled it off. The chain broke and left a mark on the back of my neck. He then through the chain as far as the eye could see.

"I ever want to see this again." He demanded as he stumbled across the floor to the couch. Seeing him drunk was scary and gave me nightmares everytime.


*That thought still haunts me. Seeing him like that for the first time since we started dating, scared me. I don't understand how I could have been with him after that but I was.* I thought to myself.

~Knock knock~

A sweet and gentle voice call out to me; "Hey, are you okay?"

Seventeen Vs OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora