Part four- Trivial.

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We started walking back to the house. I had properly put Hoshis ' jacket on and tried Wonwoos ' jersey around my waist, to make it seem like the new trend. I was in full day dream mood then Wonwoo started talking to me;

"So do you know this area well?"

"I mean... Like... Um... Kinda." I stumbled on my own words.

"So if you got lost here, you could find your way back?"

"Let me guess? You don't know how to get home?" I questioned as I gave him a reassuring smile.

He nodded, his face becoming a little red. It was kinda cute, how he didn't know where to go. I'm kinda glad he didn't carry me home or else we might he gotten lost.

"Well, what do you want to do? Long way or short way?"

"Short please, but I'll definitely take you up on that long walk later." He replied.

"Okay. Well, turn left right now."

We turned and we were home. It wasn't that far in the first place, even if we went the long way.

"Huh? How are we home already?"

"I don't know. I guess it's magic..." I said with laugh.

We got into the house but it was strangely quiet. Usually you would have DK and Seugkwan questioning my whole life, then Joshua and Woozi looking at me concernly, wile the rest of them watched, adding in little comments on my behalf, but for some reason today wasn't like that.

"We're home!?" Wonwoo exclaimed.

"Well there's food and questions waiting for you two in the dinning room." Jun replied walking out of the lounge. I could see Hoshi, Dino and the8 I think sitting in the lounge. The wooden plank still lay there in the hallway. Wonwoo looked over to me then walked into the dinning room.

"Questions or food? Food."

It didn't take long for the questions to start. They did not even let me sit down.

"Listen, I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I have a headache and all I want to do today is relax."

"Don't I need to know what happened to you last night!?" DK and Woozi said in unison, they looked at each other, releasing how annoying the both are.

Everyone left the dinning room, leaving me by myself. I grabbed as much food as I eat. I started eating, when out of the corner I saw Hoshi with the girl from last night. She was hitting him on the arm and his expression seemed to be uninterested. I wasn't exactly looking at them but the were still in my line of view.I continued eating, when out of nowhere that girl appeared next to me.


I had so much food in my mouth that I couldn't really speak, so I waved instead.

"Oh, you're still eating. I'll wait." She politely said, with this picture perfect smile.

Hoshi walked in and sat in his unusual place. The girl got up a almost ran to sit next to him. I stop myself from staring off into space especially with those two in the same room as me. At one point I didn't know if she hated him or was just playing around.

I was still eating, when I reached down to grab my earphones and phone, quickly realising it was still in my study.

*Would it be rude if I just got up and left? Oh who cares, I'm gonna be rude one way or another.*

I stood up, scraping my chair against the tiled floor. In the corner of my eye, I could see shook in the girls' expression, and nothing in Hoshis'. It was revealing to know that for once someone did not care about me.

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