Part three- She. Who?

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"Don't you ever watch where you're going?" He voice silent and fant.

With those words, I opened my eyes to see... Hoshi laying on the floor with his arm still on my waist and head. A grin ran across his face as he fluttered his eyes open.

*How did he do that? How did he get from his room to me so quickly?* I looked over to the group of boys but my attention was drawn to the wooden plank that lay diagonally in the hallway.

If that had hit me I would have gotten a concussion or even worst, I could've died. I looked up at hot headed Hoshi, who just saved my life. He pushed me off of him then stood up and dusted himself off.

"You know, you really are accident prone. Please try stay aware of your surrounding." And with that he walked out of the house.

I got up still shocked that he helped me. I walked over to everyone telling them I was okay and that I'm gonna go wash up before dinner. I walked to my room taking out my night clothes, then leaving to the bathroom. I stopped in the hallway and looked over to the plank. The memories running into my head like a water from a tap.

*The heat from his body shielded me like armour on a soldier. He one arm wrapped around my waist and his other protecting my head. My eyes still shut in shock, as he pulled me closer to him.*

My face become redder, just from the thought of him holding me and the heat from his hand still tingling.

"Wait, what the cheese am I doing? He's a jerk." I mumbled to myself before falling asleep.

I opened the bathroom door, closing it behide me. I locked the door then walked over to the shower. I switched on the hot water first then I started getting undressed. My shower was quick as I just washed my body. Before climbing out the shower i switch it off, and then raped myself into the towel. I stuck my head out of the door then ran as fast as my legs could go. When I got into my room, I got dressed and tied my hair up. I looked over to the window and remember the first night I was here...

_I quietly got out of bed but the moment I tried to stand gravity pulled me down. Before I could reach the floor someone's arms wrapped around my stomach, to support me. Who was that? I can't leave before I know who it was._

I walked over to the window and opened it, sticking my head out to see three of the guys playing with a ball, and trees still dancing with the wind. All of a sudden a sweet voice played though my ears, making me look to my right. There Woozi sat singing as Joshua played the guitar, I was finally at peace. No one yelling at me, no accidents happening and no one worrying about me. This is what I've wanted ever since I started dating Chad. It was like old times, when DK and I played in this house.

-Flash back-

"Come Abby, let's hurry before it flies away!" DK yelled as he ran towards a butterfly.

"Oka-" I replied as I fall to the floor, face first.

DK's laughed as he walked over to me. His laugh could be heard from miles away but it was mine and only mine to hear. My mom's singing danced along the grass as my dad's guitar followed behind like a echo.

"Sis, I don't think the ground needs any more hugs from you."

"Bro bro! That's a meany thing to say."

"Was I being meany?"

"Yes! Also I think dat the floor needs a lots and lots of hugs!"

Seventeen Vs OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora