Part one- An Insight.

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Chapter Two

"Can we talk?" His voice sent shivers down my back.

*Where's my knight in shinning armor? Where's Hoshi when I need him? Hoshi please hurry up! I can't do this by myself.* Just as I start to worry Hoshi appears behide him. He mouthed the words 'you can do it.' Giving me the strength to talk to Chad.

-Flash back-
(One year ago)

"Yes, mom. I'll still work for you. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said to my mom before hanging up.

She's been worrying about me nonstop ever since I said I was moving out, but she also seemed to be the happiest when I told her about it. She has been trying to get me out the house from the time I passed as a senior and became a university students.

My boyfriend offered me a place to stay, unfortunately it's with him. I don't trust him enough to move in with him but what else can I do? My mom practically kicked me out and most likely won't accept me back.

"Hey babe. What's wrong?" Chad looked over at me, his eyes seemed to be hiding something. That's when this bad feeling first come about. A few weeks later, I saw the full wrath of that exact feeling. He finally showed me what he was hiding, and I finally realised that it had always been there from the beginning.

"Are you an idiot!? How could you say that so carelessly!?" Chad screamed at me as I sat with my head down. I couldn't find the words to describe the terror I was feeling.

"Why won't you answer me!?"

*Smash (broken glass sounds)*

"ANSWER ME?! Or do you want the punishment?"

I got down onto me knees, and begged him: "Please don't hurt me. Please."

"You shut the freakin hell up!?" Chad screamed again this time hitting me to the floor.

I looked up at him in fear, as tears ran down my face like a river.

"Please Chad, calm down." I whispered to myself.

Chad grabbed my necklace that I was wearing and pulled it off. The chain broke and left a mark on the back of my neck. He then through the chain as far as the eye could see. Which wasn't very far, it landed on the floor next to the bathroom door.

"I ever want to see that thing again." He demanded as he stumbled across the floor to the couch. Seeing him drunk was scary and gave me nightmares that night.

I want to help him so badly but everytime I did I got pushed to the floor and beaten up, but only on parts of my body that could be covered. After he hit my face once he never did it again, he only hit me on my legs, arms, stomach and back. It's was something I wish I had never agreed to.


"I thought I told you not to follow me, or else I'd call the police." I looked him dead in the eyes, his teary watery eyes. I sighed heavily before catching Hoshi's gaze, before holding tightly onto Hoshi's jacket, exposing my injury.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself badly?" He noticed my injury. Chad then put his hands on my arm, and all I could remember was him beating me up, soon after the memories poured into my head, all those built up emotions finally escaped as a scream for help.


"Abby calm down, I won't hurt you. Calm down." Chad tried desperately to calm me down, but I can't stop screaming. The longer he held onto me the more I struggled to escape his grip. I pushed away, I screamed, I hit but nothing seemed to work.

"I think that's enough. Please let go of her right now." The a policeman step in and forcefully pulled his hands off of my arms. Still shaking, I keep my head down and avoid eye contact with everyone.

"Thank you officers. His been showing up, mainly around my girlfriend. I think he's stalking her, and making her feel uncomfortable." Hoshi said as he ran up to me. He stopped right next to me and gentle stroked my hair.

"Where did you go? I was so scared, where did you go?" I forced the words out of my mouth as I held onto his leg and started crying.

"Is it alright if we ask you some questions, Miss?" The officer bent down to make eye contact with me, but I was still balling my eyes out.

"I don't think here is the best place to talk, Sir." The second officer who was holding Chad's hands behide his back said.

"Ah. Yes, agreed. Let's go to the police station rather?"

"I think that would be for the best, but please give us a second." Hoshi said as he dropped down to the same level as me and the other officer.

"We'll be over there by the bushes. Please take your time." The officers took Chad to the bushes, and patiently waited for us.

"Ho-Hoshi, I was so- I was so scared. Where did- where did you go?" I said as I gasped for air and tried to calm myself down.

"I was worried something like this would had, and I saw the look on your face when he put his hand on your arm. You don't have to go though that anymore, I'll make sure of it." He smiled at me before taking out a box of plasters, he removed his jacket and put one of the plasters onto the graze on my knee.

"Let's go to the police station together. It'll put your mind to ease if you finally tell your story to them, instead of beating around the bush and getting hurt again." I nod in agreement. I don't want to be afraid of leaving my house or living by myself. I want to be okay again.

"Can you help me?" I ask and Hoshi grabbed my arm, throwing it over his shoulder. He helped me walk to the officers car.

For obvious reasons Hoshi and I drove in a separate car from Chad. When we finally got to my police station they took Chad to a separate room and us to a separate room.

"Um... Sir, we unfortunately can't let you come inside." A officer said to Hoshi as he was about to take a sat.

"Oh well, that means I can't be allowed inside either," I say as I stand up, making the officer more anxious, "I know this is a serious matter but at least let me have some reassurance though my boyfriend, if it wasn't for him, I probably won't have come here in the first place. So please let him stay."

"Junior, get back to your post, immediately." The same officer from eailer commanded, as he walked into the room, and without another word the junior disappeared.

"He a newbie. Please pardon him. Now let's begin."

"Hm. Let's beginning." I replied as I sat down again. This time Hoshi grabbed my hand and held onto it from next to me.

"Please reply your names."

"I'm Abby Rayne Lee."

"And I'm Kwon Soonyoung."

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