Part nine- Mistakes.

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-The next morning-

"Morning, Abby. How did you sleep?" Woozi asked as he sped passed me carrying a heavy looking stuck of papers.

"Good and yoouu?" I replied shortly finding myself talking to no one.

It wasn't only Woozi that seemed to be busy. The whole lot of them were running up and down from room to room. It was almost as if they were picking up everything but their suitcases. I glare down at my phone twice as the first time I looked at it, I wasn't paying attention. With my second look at the clock I race into action and got ready for university.


The sound of my phone vibrating on the bed catches my attention. It was my mom sending me my monthly allowance. Even though she kicked me out the house, I still ran errands and did deliveries for her, so you can basically call it a paycheck of sorts. Dad gives me a little more money because he thinks it's bias that mom gives DK more money than me, but I personally don't care. I've been saving up all of that money that mom and dad have been giving me for the passed twelve years. I have quite the sum of money in my bank account, enough to buy me a small apartment near the university.

"I should think about moving to a new place." I mumbled out as I throw the phone down again.

I looked towards the mirror, "It's been so hectic ever since I had arrived, but it's also been nice. I think I'll look for a place later on today, probably after my classes."

"Hey? Who are you talking to?" Hoshi's voice danced in the now silent room.

My cheeks turn a deep red and my heart beat began to quicken. Butterflies spawned in my stomach and my brain forgot every single words its ever learnt. Even with me being in this state of mind, I still couldn't resist the fact that him being where he is now made me happy. Him leaning into the room with his messy yet neat hair, wide wake eyes, and a little smirk on his face, all of that made me happy.

"No one. Just thinking out loud." I smiled back at him. I've finally become more comfortable around him.

"So what are your plans for today?" Hoshi swiftly moves across the floor to the couch. He takes a sat and patiently awaited my answer.

I laughed a little at Hoshi as his ever been in a mood such as this one; "I have classes today, and later I've got plans."

"Classes? Today? On a Saturday?" My eyes deceived me once again.

"It's Saturday? Already?" I pick up my phone once more. I blush in embarrassment, usually my head isn't that disorganised.

"Yea. So what are your plans for today?"

"Probably just look around the area for an apartment to move into." I tied my laces on my clean pink all star.

"You're moving?" Hoshi burst out as he furiously got up, startling me in the process.

"I can't stay here forever. My parents would kill me if they found out I was staying here. Besides I'm twenty years old. I should be living by myself."

"I'm twenty two and living off my friends." He adds a playful laugh at the end of his sentence, which makes the room less tense.

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