「 turquoise」

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They started running as fast as possible, trying to lose the man that was chasing after them. Ending up in an alley way, they hid behind a dumpster in hopes that the person who was after them would leave. Tears were threatening to fall from a boy's eyes, the girl attempting to comfort the boy by wrapping her hand around his fidgeting one.

"We'll be fine...we'll be fine", she whispered hushly, trying to calm him down, although she was terrified herself.

"Come out wherever you are! You still have money to pay me!", an ear-bleeding, disgusting voice screamed, the both of them sensing a smirk as the sound of a gunshot went off. The boy tightened his grip on the girl's hand, closing his eyes as he started to hyperventilate, tears rolling down his cheeks. Things were flying everywhere as they hid in fear, trash going everywhere as the man continued to spit, curse and threaten them.

"I don't wanna die yet", the boy cried silently, gulping. The girl engulfed the student in her arms, rubbing his back as she felt his body shake out of fear.

"10:31, Friday. In between the library and Upton Café. Seoul, half moon, no stars and...snow. Kenta, I need you", she pleaded, almost inaudible with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. She was utterly terrified but tried her best to keep her calm manner, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. When the footsteps grew louder, she dragged them deeper into the darkness -

But it suddenly went silent. 

No more kicking was heard, no more cursing, threats - nothing. The silence felt deadly, but they were safe.
"I-I think he's gone", she whispered, standing up with the boy slowly before looking around. \

"We're safe -"

"There you two are!!"

TAKADA KENTA woke up in a cold sweat, the water particles on his face slowly crawling down his cheeks as he panted heavily. Clutching onto his heart, he fumbled with his phone that was on his nightstand, turning it on with shaking hands.

"Tuesday...It's Tuesday"

Letting out a small breath, Kenta gulped as he set his phone down before falling back onto the mattress tiredly. His brain was wracking with thoughts, fiddling with his palms as he tried to go back to sleep.

Why do you always keep on getting into trouble?

Kenta had a two hour break before his next class, so he decided to swing by the café he worked at to visit his friends who were lucky enough to not have class today. The ding! of the bell signified his entrance, a small smile on his face as he looked around the small café. It was a very minimalist-looking café with a black and white aesthetic, but still had a cozy vibe to it. The floors were grey with black tables and white chairs, the walls painted an off-white colored with the counters being charcoal black. Quietly approaching the counter who had his small friend stand behind it, the boy grinned to himself as he cleared his throat. 

"Oh! Welcome to JBJ Café- KENTA YOU'RE BACK!", Taehyun shouted, crawling over the counter and threw his body onto the other boy. Kenta tripped over his feet, but he was lucky enough that he ended up falling onto one of the booths. 

"Taehyun hyung, stop screaming - OH KENTA HYUNG!", Donghan entered the room, smiling widely before tackling the two other boys. Sanggyun and Hyunbin entered the room, their eyes growing wide before following in suit - crushing Kenta in their arms. The poor Japanese boy tried his best to breathe, but with all four boys on top of his body made it almost impossible for him to. 

"Can't...breath", he managed to squeeze out, a pained smile on his face as his friends practically suffocated him. 

"GUYS THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH HYUNG!!", Hyunbin screamed, hugging him even tighter. "Kenta's talking! He's talking!!"

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