「 white 」

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"Finally we're free!", SEOL HAEUN cheered, stretching as she walked with Eunki. Classes were tiring to say the least, with so many assignments, papers and even two exams in one week was all too much. At least with the weekend, she can wind down and eat food, work at the flower shop and watch Netflix. As she walks with the boy, she's silently praying that Kenta would show up at the flower shop today, hoping that everything that happened between them blew over like snow blowing in the wind before hitting the pavement and melting away.

"I know! The theatre teacher was such a bore", Eunki yawned dramatically, adjusting his bag as he turned to face her. "Anyways, a couple of my friends - Jungjung, and them - and I were planning to go to the party tonight at Youngmin's. He blasted out a text to everyone but he doesn't have your number because he's too shy and a wimp to ask you, so he wanted me to ask you to come and get your number. He also said you can invite Daniel! So, what do you say?"

Haeun pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled down her number on it before handing it to the sassy boy. "Give that to Youngmin and sure! I'd love to go -"

'Go straight home and don't go anywhere else'

A frown suddenly appeared on her face as she remembered Kenta's words. He seemed serious, deadly serious for no apparent reason. She understood that gangs and drunkards could be out there late in the evening, but that didn't mean she wasn't prepared to call the police or even fight back. Besides, she knew Youngmin very well because they had a few of their classes together and he was a sweet and nice boy. She also went to a few of his parties and they weren't insanely crazy to the point where the police were called.

Besides, what was the worse that could happen?

"Sure, I'll go. What time does it start?", Haeun asked, a small smile on her lips at the thought of kicking off her weekend with a party as they got to the bus stop. Even though she wasn't really a party person, she didn't completely hate them. She got to see some of her friends and new people and overall, it was a good experience.
"7:30. I'm so excited to see you there with Daniel!", Eunki clapped, grinning widely.

The bus soon pulled up at where they were standing, the girl waving at her friend before hopping onto the vehicle. In 20 minutes she was back at the flower shop, seeing her friend readjust the tulips.

"Daniel!", Haeun called, beaming at her friend as she ran over to him.
"Come to a party with me! It starts at 7:30 and Youngmin is hosting it! It'll be fun", she told him happily, jumping up and down in hopes of having him say yes. Daniel smiled at her, patting her head before tapping his finger against his chin.

"I can go, but I'm going to have to leave early", he replied after a few minutes.
"Why?", she asks with confusion.
"I'm going to meeting up with someone - and before you get mad at me I can be with you for an hour or two before I have to leave.
Haeun nodded in understanding, though a little salty that her best friend was just going to leave her like that, but understood. She knew that he was up to something, but whenever she tried to approach him with what he was doing, he would always change the subject. But she knew that he'll tell her eventually because that's what best friends do and if he doesn't, she understands. It's his business, not hers.

"Party?", her grandmother walked in at the word 'party', raising a brow as she placed a crate filled with different roses.
"Oh right! Grandma, can I go to a party? It's at Youngmin's and I've been to his parties before. You met him before, he's the one who kind of looks like an alpaca", Haeun explained quickly.
"As long as you know my rules and don't do anything stupid, then you can go."

Soon after, the bell on the door dinged, signaling the three of them that a customer just entered the store. When Haeun turned around, she saw the man of the day look around the small flower shop, making her smile even wider.

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