「 grey 」

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TAKADA KENTA whistled softly as he waited outside of the flower shop, observing the snow fall before covering the naked trees. His hands were stuffed in his jacket's pockets, biting his lower lip as he felt his head spin with insecurities.

What happens if Haeun thinks of me differently because I kissed her? What happens if she doesn't want to be friends anymore?

Those questions and many more made Kenta anxious. He thought about running away, about not facing her ever again because of how embarrassed he was - but he wasn't guilty about it. If anything, it made him happy just thinking about it. Even though he did love that moment, he was afraid and embarrassed to talk to Haeun during the days they had off. But since today was Sunday, he decided to be a man and see if she wanted to talk to him.

"What made me think that I was manly enough to face her again?", Kenta groaned, running his hand through his hair out of frustration. "What happens if she saw me waiting outside and doesn't wanna come out? Maybe that's for the best", he mumbled to himself, about to walk away from the building, but a familiar voice stopped him.

"Kenta?", he heard her soft voice ask. She ran after him, putting her gloved hand on his arm and turned him around gently. Seeing the familiar face in front of him, Kenta's cheeks immediately turned pink, quickly breaking eye contact and looked down at his shoes. 

How am I suppose to face you?

"Were you waiting outside? It's cold", Haeun questioned, tilting her head. Kenta nodded his head slowly, still not have the guts to make eye contact with the girl in front of him. "I was planning to go to the grocery store, do you want to come with me? I can treat you out to brunch if you want", she suggested with a shrug.

"O-Okay", he stuttered, looking up briefly to see Haeun smiling, turning around and begins to walked in front of him. Kenta ran to catch up with her, his hands stuffed deep in his pockets as they walked together side by side. A comfortable silence between the both of them as they walked to the store. Reaching the grocery store, Haeun took off her gloves and pulled out a cart before wheeling it between the different aisles. The boy silently followed her, still too flustered to speak to her.

Why wasn't Haeun bringing it up? Was it because she's completely weirded out by him and is only treating him out to be nice? What happens if she secretly hates him now?

All of these thoughts made his stomach do cartwheels and summersaults. He was as nervous and afraid as ever. Why is she being like this? Why are girls so complicated sometimes?

"Are you not talking to me because of what happened on Friday?", Haeun stopped walking, turning around to face the distressed Kenta. His cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of red before looking around the different cereal boxes, nodding hesitantly. He heard Haeun giggle quietly, walking up to him and cupped his face so that he had to look at her. She smiled her bright and cute gummy smile which was enough for Kenta's nerves calm down and for butterflies to erupt in his stomach. 

"If it makes you feel better, I won't bring it up ever again", she giggled, pinching his cheeks softly.

Kenta gave her a grateful smile, finally becoming at ease with her words. Haeun ruffled his hair before going back she her cart. After their small conversation, the two of them shopped with ease as they gathered everything on her list (the boy even convincing her to buy him cookies and more cereal). 

After thirty minutes of grocery shopping, the duo walked out of the store with bags in their hands, looking for an affordable place to eat at. Their hands continued to brush against each other, making Kenta's fingers twitch with impatience. It was driving him crazy, he wanted to hold her hand but was afraid of going 'too far' (even though he did kiss her, but that's besides the point here). After debating in his head for the past five minutes, Kenta finally decided to take charge and intertwine their fingers. Her eyes widen as she turned to face him, her cheeks becoming a dusty shade of pink. Their hands interlaced felt perfect for him, it felt as if they were two puzzle pieces that just clicked!. It was a small gesture, but that was enough for him to smile like an idiot and have his insides grow all fuzzy and warm.

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