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Scott Gimple killed off a character that wasn't done developing.

It was all for shock factor and the show will never be the same.

I don't understand who thought it was a good idea, the bite mark was done poorly it was too clean cut.

A walker would've tore into his skin, not a clean bite mark.

But my point is that he has been on the show since the beginning, he didn't get much screen time this season.

I'm so disappointed in all the storylines he won't be able to act out.

If a couple walkers against Carl fucking grimes was a problem he would've died back in season 2.

Does anyone else not remember  4.09? Theirs a scene in that episode that if you put it side by side with the scene where his bite happened, it's uncanny how similar it is.

He was alone and the walker was up and close. He took care of it because he had practically been raised in this environment and he had seen what happens when you get too close.

But anyways it's too late to go back, he's gone guys lets not be immature like it was with Beth's death.

The show is notorious for this, they break out hearts even if it means killing off a character with unfinished business.

What we can do is support Chandler in his next project and keep an open mind.

He will always be the kid.

He will always be known as the sheriff's son.

He probably won't ever play another character like Carl grimes but we can support him and give him the success he got with Carl grimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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