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Linds and I walk down the stairs into the basement laughing at something funny. I couldn't remember what.

I swing the door open. "Of course it's funny... " I stop my sentence as soon as I see what's going on.

Oliver, Nicolas, Luke and Cain are all tied up onto chairs. Blindfolded and unconscious. Lindsay gasps and I look for any sign of whomever did this to our friends.

"Come on, come on... " Lindsay is panicking, frantically trying to loosen Luke and Oliver's restraints with a pocketknife.

"I would not do that if I were you." A smooth voice says and I hear him cocking a gun behind my head. He is so close to me I can practically feel his warm breath against my skin.

"Put down the knife. Slowly."

Lindsay's eyes widen looking at the man and I tense up. This is what I get for losing focus. Lindsay slowly lowers the knife to the floor.

"Good girl. Now kick it away from you."

Lindsay kicks the knife away from her and toward the wall, never losing eye contact with me. "Whatever you do just don't shoot her. Please." Lindsay says. She looks scared... no. She looks terrified.

"On the count of three you run okay." I mouth and she nods slightly making it look like she just moved her head.

The boys are as useless as ever. Being unconscious and all. I scrunch my eyes closed mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to do next.

One... Two... THREE! Lindsay jumps toward the knife and I duck twisting myself toward the surprised looking man.

I grab the gun out of his hand before dropping to the floor and rolling under his legs standing up straight. Reversing our positions.

Now I'm the one with the gun pointed at him. Limdsay inches slowly towrd me aiming the pocketknife at the man, waiting for my orders.

Luke and Oliver are coming round and their eyes widen. "What's going on?" Oliver asks dazed and confused. Luke observes the situation looking at Linda and I worriedly.

Luke needs to stop stressing we can handle ourselves. I know this. He knows this.  We all do but he worries like a mother with her newborn child.

"Lindsay. Untie Luke and Oliver and wake up those two." I order and Lindsay dashes toward them making quick work of their restraints. Cain and Nicolas wake up searching for danger scanning the room eyes wide when their eyes fall on the man in recognition.

I clench my jaw, frustrated with this situation pointing the gun at the man who held me at gunpoint. "Who are you and what the fuck do you want from us?"

The man chuckles. He looks awfully familiar. "Aww look at that! The girl's so brainwashed by this filth that she doesn't even recognise her own father!"

Lindsay gasps and I try to keep my cool failing miserably. My anger spikes. "Raina!" Nick tries to get my attention.

This man was responsible for my life. He was supposed to love me and guide me through life. He was supposed to teach me to drive and how to punch. He was supposed to threaten my boyfriends and protect me. He was supposed to be my father.

But he wasn't. He was never there for me. He made a decision. A decision that never included me. "Oh so you're done playing dead now father? What happened? Did you get bored of living in the dark." I snarl at him.

He smiles. "I understand that you're angry at me Ray." "Don't respond Raincloud." Luke warns.

"We have time to get all your answers. William isn't going anywhere." Luke says and my father smiles smugly.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that." William says and a horde of soldiers burst into the room. "I only need the two. Everyone else dies." My father says to his lackeys never leaving eye contact with me.

The soldiers each point a gun red dots appearing on each of their heads. We're outnumbered 30 to 6. They prepared for this. They're wearing bulletproof vests and thick armour. Any idiot could see that they were professionally trained and armed.

"Back from the dead after two years?" I hiss and he raises a brow. "I was never dead. Ask your boyfriends.  They take orders from me."

I see red. No... he wouldn't... Nick and Cain wouldn't sell me out.

Cain looks at me guilty. "I'm sorry Raina but he's got my brother. Mason's all I got left." I nod at him. I understand but it doesn't mean I like it. "Family comes first."

"You bastard! You threatened to KILL her." Nicolas fights it. "I had no choice Raina! I had to do what he said or you'd die!"

Nick looks at me frantically as they restrain him. "He killed her! He killed my mother because I refused the first time! Raina! Raina! Please! I had no choice!" He cries when I don't look at him keeping my head down hiding my tears.

"Wait!" I say. "I'll go willingly if you let my friends live." William smiles. "I knew you'd see it my way."

"Like hell we'll let you take her!" Nick snarls out and William chuckles. "Don't worry Nicolas you can come too."

I consider my options. I could fight but someone WILL die or I could go peacefully with Nicolas.

"Nicolas you need to... " "Like hell I need to do... " I cut him off glaring at him.

"I'm trying to make the best decision under the circumstances so fucking get your ass in line." I growl and he looks at me huffing.

"Glad to do business with you Ray." I bite my tongue as they tie up Nick and I follow out after him as they cover my mouth with the chloroform and I sigh falling into the deep dark abyss of unconsciousness.

The last thing I see is Cain's face full of regret and Nick struggling to stay awake.

Why do I keep getting myself in these types of situations?


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