Chapter 1

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I stand here, in the public bathroom at a local Walmart, waiting for the results. Two weeks ago, I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. I’ve had sex before, with other boys, but it’s never been like this before. That was puppy love, he was super overprotective of me and I was the same of the guy at the time. And I’m not a slut, I’ve only had three boyfriends. And they were boyfriends, not random guys I picked up off the street. I genuinely cared about them, but as soon as I started dating Mason, I knew it was different. We never had that puppy love, we just knew that neither of us would cheat or do anything to hurt the other. That’s why I waited so long. With Jacob, we didn’t even date for more than a month. I didn’t have sex with him though, ever since I was twelve, I made a rule for myself that I absolutely would not have sex with any boyfriend until we have been dating for more than three months. I made it that far with Marco and Gabe, though. But that’s it.

The little pink stick starts beeping, and a symbol appears on the little screen. I feel tears streaming down my face, it’s positive. I, Brooklyn Katrina Rose, am pregnant. I hear a knock on the stall door, and I realize that I am practically wailing.

“Are you alright?” I hear my friend Christina says. I forgot she was here. I quickly compose myself and open the door. I take one look at Christina, and burst into tears again. 

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She whispers in my ear as she hugs me.

“This w-w-wasn’t s-supposed t-to happen!” I stutter between sobs. Christina bends down to the ground and picks up the test. 

“Oh Brooke, C’mon let’s get out of here. We can go to my house and watch sappy love stories like The Notebook.”

“Okay.” I manage stop the tears. I slip my wide rimmed sunglasses on to hide my messed up makeup. We quickly dart out of the restrooms and dash out side to Christina’s car. Christina’s family is super rich, but she’s an only child and her parents don’t really pay much attention to her, so she doesn’t have much use for the money.

“So... What are you going to do?” she says, obviously scared that I’ll lash out on her.

“I-I don’t know!” I spit out and reduce to tears again. We’re almost at her house by now.

“Well it’s completely your choice, but I think that you should tell Mason. Then you two can talk about the, um, baby. Then, you should tell your parents and his. And I’ll be here for you. The entire time, I promise.” I wipe away my tears yet again, and I think about what she said.

“Hey, you know how when we were little we used to talk about growing up and having babies at the same time so they can be friends? Well I just thought of something- what if me and Nick could get pregnant? We could go through this together, just like we always said we would.”

“No! Christina, I can’t let you do that! We’re sixteen! Do you really want a baby? I know I don’t.” I say. How could she think of that?  We pull up her driveway and get out of the car.

“Yes, Brooke. Think about it- my parents won’t care. And face it, you’re going to get a lot of hate at school. If I get pregnant too, half the hate will be towards me and not you. We can go through this together, like we do with everything else.”

“Fine. Whatever. I can’t stop you, but please think this over more. Are you one hundred percent sure that you want a baby with a man that you might not marry? Just think about it. I need to go talk with Mason. I’ll text you later, kay?”

“Kay. Good luck!” She says as I get into my car. I drove here after school and we both went to Walmart in her car and I left my car here. As I start driving, I think about my options. Abortion? No, I could never do that. That’s killing an innocent human, who hasn’t done anything wrong. Adoption? Maybe, I’ll have to talk with Mason before I decide that. And as for raising the baby myself, maybe. I’ll have to talk with Mason.

I pull up to the curb in front of his house. I slowly walk up to the door. Here I go…

“Oh hey Brooklyn. What are you doing here?” Mason says as he opens the door.

“Um, hi. I kind of have to tell you something important.” I say softly, looking at the ground. How will he take this? Will he break up with me? 

“Okay. Come in!” he says and takes me into his living room. We sit down on the couch, and I turn to him and blurt it out.


“Whoa, I can’t understand you babe.”

“Mason, um, I might be uh, kind of p-pregnant with um, your baby.” I say as calmly as I can.

“What!? Brooklyn, this isn’t funny! You have to get an abortion!” he says, suddenly with a look I’ve never seen before in his eyes. He’s furious.

“M-Mason! I can’t do that! It’s killing a person!”

“No, it’s getting rid of something that no one wants! If you don’t get an abortion, we’re done!”

“What!!! Mason, no! I’m not getting an abortion!” 

“Then I guess that we’re through!”

“Fine, whatever. You’re not getting any custody when she’s born. Or he. Whatever, you can’t see them at all. This is your final chance, Mason. If you break up with me, you break up with your child too!”

“I’ve made my choice, Brooklyn. Goodbye.” Mason says and pushes me out the  door. I run into my car and drive home as fast as I can with tears staining my face. When I get to my house, I run around the main house, straight to my room. I have my own room, kitchen, and bathroom in a small building separate from the main house in our backyard. Sometimes it’s lonely, but mostly it’s awesome. Right now, it’s the best thing in the world. I’m sixteen and pregnant. I sound like I should be on a TV show.

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