Chapter 4

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“And those are some of the consequences of having sex.” I could hear the teacher say as I walked into room 204B. As I opened the door, I felt forty pairs of eyes drilling me in the head and making their way down to my stomach.

“Um, hey.” I said softly to the teacher and handed him my late slip from the office.

“Hello- Brooklyn Rose? You can find a seat in the back of the room.” He said and I made my way to the back of the room. As I maneuver my way through the desks, I see a girl slightly nudge her books to the corner of her desk. As I pass her desk, I try to squeeze away from it, but my belly knocks the books to the ground. The girl smirks and the other people laugh. I can feel the tears coming again, but I force them back. When I finally got to an empty desk, Mr. Greyson started talking again.

“As I was saying earlier, pregnancy is one of the effects of having sex.” He says and a few people snicker. I feel the tears coming again, but I push them back. Crying in school two times before lunch is not a good way to start off the year. The girl that I knocked her books off her desk raised her hand.

“Yes Miss Abbott?”

“I was just wondering, what percent of teen mothers go to collage and get good jobs?” She said and looked back at me.

“Well, I’m not sure about the exact age, but it’s low. Any more questions?” he says. I raise my hand.

“May I visit the restroom?”

“Of course you may, Miss Rose! I’m sure your hormones are off the wall now.” He says and I run as fast as I can to the bathrooms before the tears come. But when I get there, a girl’s already in there. She’s kneeling over one of the toilets, and it looks like she’s trying to make herself throw up.

“No! Stop!” I say and run over to her. I pull her up and she slaps me across the face. “What was that for?!” I say.

“Why did you do that!” she yells and I see a line of cuts up and down her arms through her bracelets.

“Do what? Stop you from making yourself throw up? Because even though I don’t know you, I care and making yourself throw up isn’t the answer!” I say, feeling my cheek as it stung.

“You’re right! You don’t know me! So you should pay attention to your own problems, which I can see you have plenty of. This is none of your business!” she says and starts to walk away.

“Wait!” I say and grab onto her shoulder.

“What do you want!”  the girl says and nearly slaps me again.

“I just want a friend…” I say and walk away. This girl obviously doesn’t want me anywhere near her, so why even try? I start walking out the bathroom. I’m just going to drive home early today, I can’t deal with this.

“Actually… wait! I’m sorry. I’m not very good with people. My name’s Sage.” She says right before I walk through the door.

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